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European FlagEuropa
The European Commission

Directorate general for Employment and social affairs


What's New
Key Issues


Internal staff policy

The Commission has adopted a code of good practice on the employment of people with disabilities. The following points of the code are of particular note: adaptation of the examination/recruitment procedures to the needs of disabled candidates, access to specific training when needed for disabled officials, staff retention measures involving technical support, reorganisation of work and flexible or part-time working, entitlement to reasonable accommodation of the working environment. A training module on disability awareness will be developed and the Commission will appoint an official responsible for the implementation of the Code. De facto measures have been implemented in competitions.

The Commission has also undertaken to develop long term strategy to locate its offices in buildings that are accessible and usable by all clients (and staff) and potential clients (and staff) of the Commission. During recent years, the Commission has introduced a number of specific adaptations to its existing premises. In the future, all new buildings will have to comply with minimum standards of accessibility and non- adapted buildings will be progressively improved or given up.
