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The European Commission

Directorate general for Employment and social affairs


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Information and communication

All the institutions and the Member States make an effort to provide the public with information on the main achievements and ongoing projects of the European Union. DG X plays a central role here in developing temporary operations aimed at providing EU citizens with information on major topics connected with the main stages in the European Union´s development.

Priority Information Projects are initiated and coordinated by the European Commission, usually through the PRINCE programme : the information programme for the European citizen. Since the projects should be close to the public, they are run in partnership with the Member States, civil society and the other European institutions.

Priority information campaign currently underway concerned with the launch of the single currency: the euro , a currency for Europe ?

Recent priority information campaigns connected with the Amsterdam Treaty

  • Citizens first: this campaign, which ended in 1998, has now been integrated into the ongoing information policy under the name of Europe Direct
  • Building Europe Together: this campaign finished at the beginning of 1999.

The Commission endeavours to make information services and documentation accessible for different groups of people with a disability taking into account language and cultural needs. For example, Braille, tape services, large print and other appropriate technologies could be used to provide access to written information and documentation for people with a print disability. Similarly, appropriate technologies and/or sign language interpreter services could be used in conferences to provide access to some spoken information for people with hearing impairments, and the provision of accessible reading materials may be needed for people with an intellectual disability.
