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European FlagEuropa
The European Commission

Directorate general for Employment and social affairs


What's New
Key Issues


Key Events and Conferences

European Day of Disabled people - Combatting Violence  Against Disabled People - Brussels 3 December 1999
5th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology - Dusseldorf 1st- 4th November 1999
European Conference on Promotion of Mental Health and Social Inclusion - Tampere 10-13 October 1999
Conference on the IndependentLiving of Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities - Helsinki 6-7 October 1999
Conference on "European Policy for the Employment of People with Disabilities"   -  Dresden from 24 to 25 February 1999
US/EU Conference, Madrid, Spain, 26-27 October 1998 : Harnessing the Information Society to Raise Employment Levels for People with Disabilities
Improving the Quality of Life for the European Citizen - 3rd TIDE Congress
Technology for Inclusive Design and Equality - Helsinki  23-25 June 1998
