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The European Commission

Directorate general for Employment and social affairs


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Development policy

The Commission's aim in the matter of health and rehabilitation is to help non-member countries draw up and implement policies designed to satisfy fundamental needs and the needs of the most vulnerable groups of the population. Most of the measures taken
have been targeted on strengthening health services and making them more effective. A lot has been done to step up prevention of diseases that can cause disability.

Regional programmes accord particular attention to the needs of people with disabilities. Some offer technical and material assistance for national programmes for disabled people, fostering operational research, exchanges of experience and the training of specialized staff.

Rehabilitation schemes for countries emerging from crisis and conflict always make special provision for the disabled (care, artificial limbs, reintegration).

Non-governmental organizations specializing in the needs of people with disabilities may received substantial support in the form of cofinancing for their schemes under budget heading B7-600.

Article 144 of the Lomé Convention states in particular that co-operation shall support the ACP States' efforts to ensure that grassroots communities are closely and continuously involved in development operations. Special attention should be given to the role of women, young people, the elderly and the disabled and the impact of development projects and programmes on these groups.
