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Conference on Caring for Older People at Home - A Strategy for Social Inclusion

Speaking in Dublin at the opening of the Conference "Caring for older people at work" 19/20th April, Commissioner Flynn underlined the importance of the need for careful consideration of policies for caring for older people in European societies, especially against a backdrop of an ageing population, demographic pressures and changing family structures. The Conference organised by the Irish Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs and supported by the European Commission was a contribution to the 1999 United Nations Year for Older Persons.

The first day focused on issues like "Roles and Responsibilities" and "Client centred policies" and saw several presentations by fieldworkers and Commission officials. The second day was opened by Professor Robert Stout, Member of the UK Royal Commission on the Funding of Long Term Care for the Elderly. He presented the workings of the Royal Commission and outlined their main recommendations. The full report of the Royal Commission can be found at The European Commission will soon publish a study of comparative research into social protection for dependent elderly persons in the European Union and Norway which will present research findings in this area. The conference concluded with the presentation of a series of models of best practice in Sweden, Luxembourg and Spain.

A report of the Conference will be published within the next few months by the Irish Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs, fax: +353 (0)1 704 3457.
