FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Francisco Greciano Rodríguez, Operations Coordinator at the Spanish Food Bank Association: E-mail: francisco@fesbal.org WHO? The project is led by the CDA Consortium, the Food Bank of Girona and the Spanish Food Bank Federation, and receives support from local councils, Caritas of Girona, the Food Bank of Girona, Girona’s regional government, the Caixabank Foundation and the Catalan regional government. Volunteers help end recipients and provide advice on how to make the best possible use of their food basket. In addition, two people at risk of social exclusion are trained and employed in the centres for a duration of two years, HOW? Ten CDAs provide services to the largest municipalities in the province of Girona. The social services of each municipality select the eligible families and refer them to CDAs. The project operates in areas with high rate of immigration, where only 40% of the families supported are Spanish. Each year around a third of families are newly incorporated into the programme and a similar number manage to exit extreme poverty. However, over a third of recipients have benefitted from the programme for three years or more, which indicates poverty remains a concern in the province. Eligible families get a bi-weekly appointment to access the food distribution centres. On average, each family receives around 20 kg of FEAD funded food every two weeks, in the form of a pre-set nutritionally balanced food basket . They can also purchase products according to a system of vouchers, which is financed through national funding streams. CDAs support around 27 000 people (8 500 families), representing 75% of the total people supported in the province of Girona. Almost three million kg of food were distributed through CDAs in 2017. Most food products are provided by the Food Bank of Girona through FEAD support, as well as from donations of producers or supermarkets, or own purchases done by CDAs. 61 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018