FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Joaquim Ventura i Molina, Technical Team Secretary at the Red Cross in Catalonia: E-mail: joaquim.ventura@creuroja.org WHO? eQuàliment was created by an IT consulting firm named Districte Digital and a corporate social responsibility consulting firm named Bidea, in collaboration with the Open University of Catalonia. The platform is used by several distribution centres of the Red Cross and Caritas, both of which are partner organisations participating in the FEAD programme. HOW? eQuàliment is an online platform that anyone with an account and internet connection can access, without having to install an additional software. The website is regularly updated and provides support at four different levels: 1. To manage the allocation of beneficiaries to the various distribution centres of an area in accordance with data protection laws; 2. To help distribution centres with the planning and management of deliveries for all beneficiaries to avoid overlaps and duplications; 3. To help organisations manage stock and categorise the food they receive from supermarkets and individuals; 4. To provide summary statistics of the food that has been distributed by keeping track of deliveries, and of quantities of products distributed to end beneficiaries. All of these services are provided through a single, centralised platform that allows the holistic management of food distribution , making management easier and minimising the time and resources spent on coordination. The platform let users choose the type of assistance needed in their project management cycle. Although the platform is not financed through FEAD as such, it has proven popular among FEAD partner organisations in Catalonia. 59 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018