FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Elida Džanić, co-worker in the ‘We Are Together’ project: E-mail: postojna.ozrk@ozrks.si Phone: +37129519459 WHO? The Slovenian Red Cross manages the project, with project employees and volunteers jointly carrying out the activities. In 2018, the project had two full-time employees – a secretary and an associate – alongside 14 young volunteers. One of the project’s volunteers, Gašper Leskovec, recently won the most prestigious award for voluntary work in Slovenia as a result of his efforts in the project (for the 19 years an below age category). Teaching aid is offered with the help of young volunteers recruited from local high schools who are able to attend at least once a week. Tutors are recruited based on their ability to teach children various school subjects alongside their demonstration of creativity and compassion. Learning assistance and workshops take place separately, so that the volunteers can dedicate enough time and space to the tutoring process, and cater to any specific needs that individual pupils might have. Through workshops and learning aid, the project connects children who experience diverse types of distress with young volunteers. The children and volunteers often establish special bonds of trust through the designated activities, and the young high school tutors constitute an important source of inspiration in the lives of many of the children. The volunteers are typically hardworking and accomplished, and exert a positive influence on the children that attend the programme. Some of the key outcomes of the project include increased performance of the children at school, improvement of social skills, as well as the development of a sense of community more generally through the ‘peer-to-peer method ’. 1 See: https://postojna.si/novica/89895; and http://www.predsednik.si/up-rs/uprs.nsf/objave/5F90838D48940090C12581450049EB0F?OpenDocument Together we can make childhood more beautiful.” — Polonca Jakob Krejan, Associate, Project Unit for Implementing Cohesion Policy at the Ministry of Work, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Republic of Slovenia. 57 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018