FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Jožica Ličen; Email : jozica.licen@rkc.si Phone: +38641429713 Website: http://www.karitas.si/sklad-za-evropsko- pomoc-najbolj-ogrozenim/ WHO? The project is managed by Caritas Slovenia. Caritas is one of the partner organisations distributing FEAD food assitance across the country, while simultaneoulsy offering a range of accompanying measures. End recipients are regularly in contact with a designated Caritas employee or volunteer so they know them well. Some are open and grateful when they receive their parcels, while others need a lot of time to establish a mutual sense of trust. The employee or volunteer builds that trusting relationship by regularly visiting and speaking with the end recipient, and uncovering what their specific needs are. As a result, the employee or volunteer can best identify which accompanying support measures will best help the individual in their transition out of poverty and social exclusion. The project was introduced in 2006 and with the help of FEAD funding, Caritas has been able to help up to 100 000 people annually. Most of the work is carried out by volunteers, and approximately 3 500-4 000 of them are working on this particular project. Approximately 30% of the cost are covered by FEAD, while the rest is funded by Caritas or local communities. 55 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018