FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact E-mail: Geral@poapmc.portugal2020.pt Phone: +351215895300 Website: http://poapmc.portugal2020.pt WHO? The programme is implemented by the Mission Structure for POAPMC in collaboration with the National Social Security Institute and the Planning and Strategy Office. These entities all fall under the authority of the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security. The programme also relies on over 600 partner organisations, including the National Directorate of Health, and a wide number of civil society organisations. An important dimension of this territorial equity strategy is achieved by monitoring each step of the food delivery scheme through an online system – from the moment it reaches the partner organisations to the moment it reaches the end recipients. When the end recipients receive the food basket, they sign a form confirming the reception. However, the information system guarantees the confidentiality of the end recipients and does not register names or addresses; it only registers their social security number. Since the start of the programme, 60 000 individuals have received a food basket each month. Furthermore, the programme has distributed nearly 9 000 tons of food across Portugal. Because partner organisations are not equally resourced across the country, the programme also trains and empowers the staff of the organisations it works with . Partner organisations receive manuals such as ‘Goods with protein in the food basket delivered by the operational programme of the most deprived’, ‘Programme of food distribution: considerations for an adequate nutritional offer’, and the orientation manual of the programme that explains how to make the most out of the food baskets. In 2018, 38 training sessions took place across the country, with more than 680 staff members from partner organisations participating. 51 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018