FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Sandra Tavares, representative of the Mission Structure for POAPMC executive committee: E-mail: sandra.tavares@poiseportugal2020.pt Website: http://poise.portugal2020.pt/inicio WHO? The programme is managed by the Mission Structure for the operational Programme for the Most Deprived (POAPMC), in partnership with the National Social Security Institute which handles all procurement issues. The National Directorate of Health was consulted to obtain expertise in providing food baskets suitable for all age groups of the population. Approximately 600 partner organisations (civil society organisations and municipalities) distribute the food baskets and offer accompanying measures. HOW? During the early stages, the contents of the food baskets were determined in consultation with the National Directorate of Health and civil society organisations. The Social Security Institute was subsequently tasked with launching and overseeing the procurement process and purchasing the food to be included in the baskets. As of September 2018, monthly food baskets have been distributed to more than 60 000 recipients across Portugal through the programme, amounting to a total of nearly 900 000 tonnes of food. The baskets themselves are distributed by an array of partner organisations, including NGOs and local authorities. Employees and volunteers in the partner organisations deliver accompanying measures that focus on improving food and nutrition knowledge and cooking skills among beneficiaries . 49 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018