FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Dominik Trelinski, Project Manager at the Polish Committee of Social Welfare: E-mail: domtrel@poczta.onet.pl Phone: +48504265112 WHO? The project is managed by the Polish Committee of Social Welfare. Local partners play a fundamental role in the project, which is largely focused on improving communication and information sharing. In particular, organisations involved in the seven ESF projects facilitate the recruitment of volunteers by simplifying the process of finding and inducting ESF participants. HOW? The developed model of recruitment has proved so successful that over 60% of the volunteers supporting FEAD delivery for the Polish Committee of Social Welfare were originally participants of ESF projects. The project was found to have a significant impact on volunteers’ self-esteem and confidence . Not only it has provided them with the opportunity to give back to society, but they have also acquired useful skills that have made them more organised at work and in their daily life. As a result, volunteers have reported that they feel increasingly empowered and motivated. This recruitment model can generate positive results in different contexts . Beyond information sharing, psychological support and 15 hours of training raising awareness on the benefits of volunteering, the model includes open door events, media campaigns and a stronger cooperation with the private sector. To provide the project with a workforce of volunteers, private firms take advantage of their corporate social responsibility strategies and paid volunteering days. 47 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018