FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

Poland - Innovative methods for recruiting volunteers Polish Committee of Social Welfare Images © New Africa, Shutterstock.com, 2018 WHY? Recruiting volunteers in the social sector is challenging in Poland. Most people prefer to volunteer for commercial organisations, as it increases their chances of being offered paid employment. Against this background, the Polish Committee of Social Welfare finds it difficult to attract a sufficient number of volunteers to deliver its FEAD project. It has hence decided to try more innovative recruitment methods . WHAT? The Polish Committee of Social Welfare is taking advantage of its leadership role in delivering both FEAD and ESF funded projects, to promote positive exchange between these two streams of initiatives . As it manages seven different ESF projects in different thematic areas, such as employment, education, social integration, development of the potential of employees and enterprises, and construction of efficient and effective public administration, the Committee encourages their participants to become volunteers for the delivery of FEAD- related activities. Engaging European Social Fund (ESF) participants as volunteers in FEAD-related activities is a way to address this shortage, while providing them with the opportunity to contribute to and feel valued by their communities As part of the ESF projects, beneficiaries are offered psychological support to help them cope with difficult situations and everyday life. An integral part of this support is aimed at making ESF participants more open- minded and aware of the contribution they can make to society , as well as how volunteering could be beneficial to them as well. As a concrete follow-up to this, the Polish Committee of Social Welfare also provides ESF participants with information on the volunteering opportunities they offer within FEAD. Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018 46