FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Stephen C. Vella, Foundation for Social Welfare Services: E-mail: stephen.c.vella@gov.mt Phone: +35622588919 WHO? The Managing Authority of the FEAD Operational Programme is the Planning and Priorities Coordination Division (PPCD) of the Ministry for European Affairs and Equality. The Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity (MFCS) is the intermediary body, and oversees the project. The Foundation for Social Welfare Services is a public entity within the MFCS, which acts as the partner organisation for FEAD in Malta. It is responsible for building the collaborations with other national stakeholders, who ultimately support FEAD recipients in various areas. Furthermore, through its collaboration with the Ministry for Education, the FSWS has supported children in vulnerable and low-income families by providing them with school uniforms, stationery and other basic goods; and by organising extra-curricular activities. The FSWS and the responsible department within the Ministry for Education hold regular meetings during which they focus on planning and improving strategies to reach out to the most vulnerable beneficiaries. Beyond education, thanks to its collaboration with the National Literacy Agency, the project has donated brand new books to over 400 FEAD eligible households with children under the age of 3, with the aim of encouraging reading sessions within the family . Parents were also offered the opportunity to participate in sessions providing advice on how to read with children. Finally, in terms of employment support, the FSWS refers FEAD recipients who require assistance in finding employment to Jobsplus, the national public entity responsible for training and employment. In addition, the FSWS collaborates with Malta Enterprise, and can thus direct FEAD recipients to the national scheme that allocates grants to individuals aspiring to start their own enterprise . The sum of the parts is greater than the sum of the whole.” — Aristotle 43 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018