FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

Malta – Building partnerships to provide tailored and accessible support Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS) Images © Photographee.eu, Shutterstock.com, 2018 WHY? The needs of FEAD end recipients go beyond material assistance. The most deprived households, particularly those with children and the elderly, face multiple issues that relate to employment, childcare, energy and water provision, among other things. These people are often not aware of the services and opportunities they could access at the local level to meet their needs. This is problematic, as the lack of adequate assistance can perpetuate their social vulnerability and exclusion. Directing these people towards tailored and accessible interventions is therefore key to improve their living standards and alleviate their risk of poverty. WHAT? The project refers FEAD end recipients to local services that are the most relevant to answer their specific needs and can foster their social inclusion and mobility. To that end, the Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS), has built partnerships with a wide range of national stakeholders , such as the National Literacy Agency (NLA), the Water and Energy Agency (WEA), Jobsplus (Public Employment Services), the Housing Authority, and other actors at the regional level that offer community-based services and are able to reach out to FEAD recipients. Because the partners offer different levels and types of expertise – in the areas of energy consumption, education, housing, employability, health, and family support – the project is able to provide tailored individual assistance. Furthermore, collaborations are established at the regional level, which allows project coordinators to assist the target group close to home . HOW? All FEAD end recipients and their families/households are eligible to benefit from the accompanying measures. The FSWS refers the FEAD end recipients to the relevant service providers. For instance, the collaboration between the FSWS and the Water & Energy Agency has enabled over 250 FEAD end recipients to benefit from the White Goods Exchange Scheme. This nationally funded measure aims to promote greater awareness of energy consumption and ensure that old and high energy consuming appliances are replaced. Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018 42