FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Gintarė Zizienė, Project Leader at the European Social Fund Agency: E-mail: gintare.ziziene@esf.lt Phone: +37065968347 WHO? The project is managed by the European Social Fund (ESF) Agency, which is the authority managing FEAD in Lithuania. The ESF Agency is supported by a range of different partners, such as the Lithuanian Food Bank, the Lithuanian Red Cross Society, the Marijampole Region Samaritan Community and the Lithuanian municipal administrations. HOW? The project strongly relies on partner organisations that have established links with the target group, and know about their needs, wishes and expectations. Because of their closeness with the target group , the partners are responsible for encouraging people to be active and to participate in the accompanying measures in the first place. Depending on their capacity and resources, they either dedicate staff or manage volunteers to run the activities. The type of activities they implement depends on the expertise of the partners. For instance, several local divisions of the Lithuanian Red Cross Society have made the choice to focus on health educational activities . Such activities include visits to health and dental clinics or health food centres, and lectures inspired by the book ‘Smart Children ABC’ published by the Red Cross main office. The project has had a positive impact in terms of both social inclusion and educational achievements. It has given many children the opportunity to take part in recreational activities for the first time. The activities with elderly people or social workers and doctors are seen as particularly formative. Such activities lead to valuable informal learning , which children do not get to experience in the traditional school system. Big things start with small ones” — Project motto 41 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018