FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

Lithuania – Tackling the social exclusion and educational poverty of children European Social Fund Agency Images © Ms. Vida Lenkauskienė, 2018 WHY? In Lithuania, around a third of the population lives in rural areas. Because of restricted infrastructure and structural investments in these areas, there are limited basic services and employment opportunities available outside of the agricultural sector. Educational poverty and social exclusion risks are hence three times higher than in urban areas, and children are the group which are most at risk . Against this background, the FEAD Managing Authority of Lithuania has decided to dedicate some of its accompanying measures to children from socially disadvantaged areas or families. Investing in the education of children is not only crucial to nurture their personal development, but also strengthens social cohesion between parents, grandparents, teachers and educators more widely. WHAT? In addition to distributing FEAD food aid to the most deprived people in Lithuania, the project has set up day camps and organises recreational and educational activities for children. While those activities are primarily meant for the children of FEAD recipients, they also involve their parents, grandparents, psychologists, social pedagogues and care workers. Through the project, children get the opportunity to meet with local celebrities, share their experiences, engage in dialogue with elderly people, and attend group visits to museums, theatres or cinemas. Because many FEAD recipient households cannot afford summer vacations, the project also organises day trips and short holidays to the Black Sea. Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018 40