FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Evija Kleina, Society Integration Foundation, Intermediate Body of FEAD: E-mail: evija.kleina@sif.gov.lv Phone: +37167078175 WHO? The project is managed by employees and volunteers of the NGO ‘Dagda disabled brotherhood NEMA’ (Dagdas invalīdu brālība NEMA). The implementation of the activities requires the daily involvement of both the local government and the social services. The former provides the facilities for the accompanying measures and, if needed, helps with transportation for activities that take place outside Dagda. The social service informs the target group about the opportunity to benefit from FEAD aid and encourages them to participate in the accompanying measures. This is a fundamental part of the project, as it favours the integration of the participants within the local society Leisure is valued as a way to socialise and acquire useful skills and a sense of utility. Therefore, the partner organisation runs workshops and masterclasses teaching participants how to cook, sew, knit, make household accessories from recycled materials, and grow plants as a source of food and a relaxing pastime. Participants in the handicrafts masterclasses are able to use the acquired skills on an everyday basis and an exhibition is organised for them to showcase their work. As a result, some participants have become self-employed and have been able to make a profit out of their handicrafts. Finally, the NGO offers individual consultations on employment opportunities, household issues, and participation in voluntary work, as well as bimonthly self-help groups . These activities strengthen the participants’ sense of dignity and utility, foster their integration into the local community, and fight the negative stereotypes they are associated with. Through those accompanying measures, end-recipients gain practical and communication skills, and interact with each other and with the project leaders, which increases their self-confidence and in turn offers them better life prospects. In 2017, the NGO managed to implement over 150 accompanying measures, involving around 460 participants. Among these measures, 54 were individual consultations, 50 were related to sport, health promotion and leisure activities, and 52 were workshops or masterclasses. 1 FEAD support is provided to persons with a household income level not exceeding EUR 188 per person per month. We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.” — Luciano De Crescenzo (Italian singer), Motto of the NGO “Dagda disabled brotherhood NEMA” 37 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018