FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Marie Castagné, External Relations and Advocacy Officer, or Jean-Luc Fromentin, Project Manager, French Federation of Food Banks: Email: marie.castagne@banquealimentaire.org ; jean-luc.fromentin@banquealimentaire.org Website: https://www.banquealimentaire.org WHO? The French Federation of Food Banks coordinates the distribution and delivery of food supplies overseas with the help of three regional Food Banks in Guadeloupe, Martinique and La Réunion. The Food Banks operate overseas through the support of 97 volunteers and 22 employees who collaborate with 127 charity partners across the territories. Due to their geographical situation and local knowledge of end recipients, the charities directly distribute the food packages to the beneficiaries locally. Compared to the other food collection mechanisms used overseas, the quantity and diversity of FEAD support brings additional benefits to the local population. Whereas collections from supermarkets bring fresh products, FEAD provides dry products, cans, and long conservation products . Their long-life properties are particularly valuable during emergency situations, for instance in the case of hurricanes, when supply is scarce and access to food is limited. Even in such emergency contexts, the FEAD rules of ensuring traceability and free delivery are observed. Due to the high number of deprived people in the overseas territories, the project focus on ensuring access to diverse food and a balanced diet for all , without targeting specific groups. In addition to food delivery, the project also carries out other assistance measures for social reintegration such as budget advice, support for job seekers, and access to culture, sports and leisure activities, a diversity of actions made possible by the structure of the French Federation of Food Banks. Various activities have hence been set up around food aid such as cooking classes. This additional support helps to identify and remove obstacles confronting the target group, and facilitate exchange between those who provide aid and those who need it. It is crucial to safeguard the equal treatment and dignity of all. In 2017, around 2,6 million meal packages were distributed and about 70 000 people receive help, the largest proportion of which resided in La Réunion. 29 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018