FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

France – Guaranteeing the equal treatment of vulnerable EU citizens overseas French Federation of Food Banks Images © Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires, 1984 WHY? While the unemployment rate in metropolitan France stands below 10%, the number of people in precarious situations in French overseas territories is generally higher, with the average unemployment rate reaching 22% in Guadeloupe, Martinique and La Réunion. At the same time, it is more challenging to collect food and receive food donations in overseas territories. Therefore, the Food Banks have diversified their food aid strategy to be able to reach those most deprived people living in French overseas territories . This is particularly important to guarantee the equal treatment of EU citizens regardless of however far they live from the continent. WHAT? FEAD funding covers the transportation costs incurred by channelling food aid from food producers in continental France all the way to the Food Banks overseas. To reach beneficiaries living in the most deprived areas, the different branches of the French Federation of Food Banks collaborate with a total of 127 charity partners across the territories. FEAD products represent around a third of the supplies of regional Food Banks overseas . HOW? While on the continent Food Banks can rely on long-established partnerships with retailers, such agreements are more difficult to establish overseas. Moreover, there are less agro-businesses overseas and in turn less donations. This makes food collection more difficult and less predictable, in terms of both quality and quantity. FEAD hence plays an essential role in providing some stability and predictability when it comes to the amount, variety and delivery date of food supplies . Through partnership agreements with the Food Banks, charities know exactly what type of products they can expect, in what quantity and when; making it possible for them to ensure the overall nutritional balance and diversity of the food aid they provide. Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018 28