FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

France – ‘Red Cross on Wheels’: providing mobile social assistance Red Cross France Images © Solenne Gaschignard, 2016 WHY? Food and material deprivation affects almost five million people in France, primarily in rural and isolated areas. The issue is particularly prevalent for those people that are ‘invisible’ to society: the most vulnerable, isolated, or immobile due to illness, disability or financial difficulty. In addition to food and economic vulnerability, this population experiences severe social isolation. Against this background, the French Red Cross decided to provide direct support on the doorsteps of those living in the most excluded areas. WHAT? The Red Cross deploys 44 ‘Red Cross on Wheels’ mobile units , which are specially converted vehicles, to visit end recipients in need in rural areas, semi-urban communities, and ‘priority neighbourhoods’ in urban areas. This mobile support provides food and material assistance including clothes, hygiene products, baby products, furniture and more. In addition to food and material support, the Red Cross volunteers lend a listening ear for end recipients. They can provide instant counselling in the vehicles, where a dedicated area is set up. They can counsel on a wide range of issues, including access to basic social services, parental services, preventative healthcare, digital technologies, budget management or culture and entertainment. Based on one-to-one conversations with end recipients, volunteers can provide tailored advice, or refer them to relevant partners in local communities. In this way, food aid strengthens communities by bringing people together and combating social isolation in the most deprived areas. Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018 26