FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

Finland – ‘Cheers for Health’: Easing access to health services for the most in need The Finnish National Organisation of the Unemployed Images © The Finnish National Organization of the Unemployed/Cheers for Health, 2018 WHY? Overall, the health status of the Finnish population has improved over the last few decades. However, socioeconomic inequalities have persisted , and in some areas, they have grown. Lower life expectancy, deaths caused by alcohol and smoking, mental health disorders and lower functional ability are all issues that tend to be worsened by inequalities and by prolonged unemployment. Yet, despite being the most affected by such health issues, lower income groups are not always aware about the availability of health services and do not know how to use them effectively. WHAT? The Cheers for Health project hence aims to increase the use of social and healthcare services by unemployed and economically marginalised people aged over 30, who benefit from FEAD-funded food distribution. This in turn aims at improving their general well-being, social inclusion and capacity to participate effectively in the labour market or as active citizens. Beneficiaries are encouraged to undertake the precautionary elementary health check-up subsidised by the municipality , as a way to learn how and where to access healthcare and social services on a regular basis. They are also provided with personal guidance to increase awareness about their health and social needs and improve their understanding of how to meet them. Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018 24