FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Jiří Bradáč, Project Manager: Email: jiri.bradac@mpsv.cz Website : https://www.mpsv.cz/cs/29636#2 WHO? The project was implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) with the help of a number of partner organisations: Charity Czech Republic, Naděje non-profit organisation, Silesian Diakonia, the Centre of Christian Aid of the Czech Brethren Protestant Church, and local foodbanks. Employees and volunteers from partner organisations have direct contact with vulnerable groups such as the elderly, homeless people, people with disabilities, and vulnerable and migrant families. As such, they are well- suited to help with the distribution of food and material assistance at the local level. HOW? To ensure both quality and value for money, MoLSA selected suppliers whose products were the cheapest, but still adhered to the minimum requirements. The composition and distribution of food packages was organised according to the needs of different target groups. In particular, families with children who own a kitchen to cook their meals, received a package with 17 different food products and 10 hygiene products. Homeless and isolated people received packages with eight different food products and nine hygiene products. Finally, a hygiene package of six products was distributed to families with small children . Five different combinations of products were available, including different sizes of nappies, depending on the age of the children. Thanks to immense community support, more than 100 organisations got involved in the distribution process. This made it possible to distribute more than 140 000 food packages and 70 000 hygiene packages during the second phase of the project. Almost 75 000 people benefited from food assistance and around 50 000 people received material assistance. The project has received positive feedback from partner organisations. It improved communication channels with target groups , who are now more willing to reach out for help. The project was particularly beneficial for those who do not receive social benefits and are not included in other social support schemes, such as homeless or sick people, and for vulnerable groups such as young single mothers. 21 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018