FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Stanislav Mrózek, Head of the Silesian Diakonia centre: E-Mail: s.mrozek@slezskadiakonie.cz Website: http://www.slezskadiakonie.cz WHO? The ‘Chefs without borders’ project is implemented by the homeless shelter ‘Sara’ and coordinated by the Silesian Diakonia with the help of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Třinec city council. HOW? The project is entirely voluntary and depends on the willingness of end recipients to participate. They use FEAD food products to cook typical dishes on the shelter’s premises, such as bean soup, risotto, burgers with potato purée and simple desserts. The women prepare meals on cold and rainy days, and also seek to cater for special occasions such as Christmas; on which occasion they cook a traditional dinner for homeless men hosted in a different night shelter. The cooks then distribute the meals to around 20-30 other homeless individuals across Třinec. Social workers choose the locations as they know the neighbourhoods and can identify the most suitable areas. They inform potential beneficiaries ahead of time by word of mouth as well as by distributing leaflets. The employees of the shelter provide transportation and arrange a delivery tent, as well as materials such as tables, chairs and cutlery. 19 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018