FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Maria Kyratzi, Programme Coordinator at the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance: E-Mail: mkyratzi@sws.mlsi.gov.cy WHO? The Social Welfare Services of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance is responsible for the overall programme and thus oversees administrative issues such as tender procedures. The Welfare Benefits Unit within this ministerial department is responsible for providing the minimum income scheme that provides welfare benefits across Cyprus. The local and district offices of the Social Welfare Services are responsible for identifying eligible families. HOW? The Social Welfare Services carry out tender procedures to select companies able to supply suitable baby items that fulfil European Union quality standards . Local Social Welfare Services identify the eligible families for the baby dowry and submit applications to the appropriate Social Welfare Services district office. End recipients are generally families receiving minimum income support who have a child born after January 2017. Once a family’s application has been approved, the Social Welfare Services places the order with the selected supplier(s). Parcels are delivered directly to the house of beneficiaries, after which two members of staff of the Social Welfare Services visit recipient families to help them assemble the items provided and provide advice about the other services that families can benefit from. More than 150 beneficiaries have received a baby dowry since the start of the project in January 2018 1 . 1 Families with babies born in 2017 can retroactively benefit from the programme. 17 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018