FEAD 2018 Catalogue of case studies

For more information regarding the project, contact Danijela Stipanić Graf, Project Manager, Zadar Archbishop Caritas: E-Mail: danijela.stipanic.graf@gmail.com WHO? The project is managed by Zadar Archdiocese Caritas, with the support of associates and volunteers. The members of the target group play a crucial role in the project implementation, as they constitute the bulk of the volunteers who make the activities possible. Social workers are responsible for the delivery of individual and group counselling sessions. HOW? The project works with the recipients of the food distribution measures funded by FEAD. More than 2 000 clients have been supported so far. While the project had not originally planned to include the target group as volunteers, 15 end recipients expressed the wish to contribute to the project , as a way of giving back for the help they have received. These volunteers helped prepare the food parcels and distribute them to families in need together with Caritas employees. They further supported elderly families with mobility problems by delivering their food parcels directly to their homes, and by purchasing their medication from pharmacies. Finally, volunteers who had gained agricultural skills as end recipients were able to continue growing vegetables for the aid kitchen. Together these volunteers contributed 4 000 hours of work to the project . Their contribution has improved their employability and has been highly praised by the national and local media, to the extent that the Mayor of Zadar awarded them with a prize offered to citizens who deserve special recognition. This has significantly increased their visibility in the local community and sense of self-worth. 13 Diverse approaches to supporting Europe’s most deprived: FEAD case studies 2018