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Monitoring revenue trends and tax reforms in Member States - Joint EC-EPC 2008 Report

Author(s): European Commission (DG ECFIN-DG TAXUD) and Economic Policy Committee

Monitoring revenue trends and tax reforms in Member States - Joint EC-EPC 2008 Report pdf (3 MB) Choose translations of the previous link 

Summary for non-specialists pdf (86 kB) Choose translations of the previous link pdf
Based on the mandate of the ECOFIN Council, the work program of the Working Group on the Quality of Public Finances (EPC-QPFWG attached to the Economic Policy Committee (EPC)) has identified the efficiency of tax systems as a key issue for further work. The EPC-QPFWG has decided that this work should, among others, take the form of an annual report.

The joint EC-EPC Annual Report on Revenues (ARR) is prepared by the Commission (jointly by DG ECFIN and DG TAXUD) and the EPC-QPFWG. It builds on the substantial work carried out by the Commission services, such as assessments of the budgetary implications of tax reforms, analyses on the key role of revenue systems for the sustainability of public finances and the studies considering their effects on employment, growth and equity and their contribution to the achievement of environmental policy objectives.
JEL classification:H20, H21, H24, H25, H50, H70

(European Economy 4. April 2009. Brussels. 77pp. Tab. Graph. Ann. )

KC-AR-09-004-EN-C (online)
ISBN 978-92-79-11365-9 (online)
ISSN 0379-0991 (online)

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