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30/04/2014 : Policy Communication in EMU Conference

The prominent but contentious European policy response to the sovereign debt crisis and the upcoming EP elections have led DG ECFIN to host on “Policy Communication in EMU” in Brussels on 30 April 2014.

Date & location

30 April in the Durieux room in the Charlemagne building, Rue de la Loi 170, 1000 Brussels.

The format of the event is by invitation-only and up to maximum room capacity and is organised under Chatham House rules.


The aim of the conference is to discuss ways to strengthen communication on economic policy issues at EU and euro area level by bringing together selected national and EU-level policymakers, journalists, financial market participants and communication professionals in order to critically examine EMU communication arrangements in recent years. It will further examine the changing relationship between policymakers and financial markets since the crisis, and it aims to develop more effective communication strategies on EMU and other leading economic policy matters for the future.


Draft programmepdf(116 kB) Choose translations of the previous link 


For registration, please contact the functional mailbox

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