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29/06/2010 : The UK economy, post-recession – same as it ever was?

This workshop will to bring together leading academics and analysts as well as policymakers to discuss the economic performance of the UK economy during the decade up to and including the economic and financial crisis, and it will draw conclusions about short-term recovery prospects and the longer-term UK economic outlook.

The UK economy enjoyed a period of strong and stable economic growth coupled with low inflation in the ten year period leading up to the financial and economic crisis.  As the UK and other European economies are expected to recover gradually from the marked falls in economic activity during the crisis, the question arises of what the prospects for economic recovery and fiscal consolidation in the UK are, and what determines these. The aim of the workshop is to therefore to evaluate the UK economy's structural features and growth prospects, as well as to elucidate current fiscal and financial sector issues.

The workshop comprises three sessions, each one dedicated to a specific economic theme, and the event will be rounded off by a 90 minute panel discussion with numerous high-level panelists. During the three thematic sessions, a number of academic papers will be presented by the corresponding authors alongside presentations from other speakers, and each session will be concluded by a general discussion lead by an appointed discussant. The topics discussed in the three sessions and the panel discussion are:

  • Cycle versus Structure: Appraising the UK's pre-crisis growth performance;
  • Monetary and financial exit strategies for a return to growth;
  • Long term sustainability issues in the UK's public and household sector;
  • Panel discussion: (Re-)Defining the UK's position in the EU and global economy.

Participation and interventions at the workshop will be made under the so-called "Chatham House Rule", whereby participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker, nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. The aim of following this procedure is to encourage openness and the sharing of information.

Date and venue

29 June 2010
Location: Salle Robert Schuman, Berlaymont Building (BERL), Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 Brussels

Registration is closed




For any queries related to the programme or the organisation of the workshop, please contact the organising team by email or fax (+32-2-299 33 55)

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