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Opening address
Nadia Calviño
The new European economy after Coronavirus
Valdis Dombrovskis
The new European economy after Coronavirus
Maja Göpel / Martin Sandbu
#EUBEF20 debate
Alexander Stubb / Sharan Burrow
A social and green reboot after the pandemic
Paolo Gentiloni
Closing keynote speech
Charles Michel

Replay the full event


Full event

by moderator, Maria Tadeo

Opening address
Nadia Calviño

The new European economy after Coronavirus
Moderator: Maria Tadeo
Introductory remarks: Valdis Dombrovskis
Panel discussion with: Maja Göpel, Martin Sandbu

#EUBEF20 debate on the motion: "This forum believes that an expanded role for the State in the economy after the coronavirus crisis is inevitable and desirable"
Moderator: Maria Tadeo
Speaking for: Sharan Burrow / Speaking against: Alexander Stubb

A social and green reboot after the pandemic
Sasha Vakulina in conversation with Paolo Gentiloni
Interactive Q&A with the audience online

Closing keynote speech
Charles Michel