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MACMIC - Database of simulations and estimates of the macroeconomic impact of microeconomic reforms

MACMIC is a useful policy and analytical tool gathering a wealth of results on the macroeconomic effects of numerous microeconomic reforms.

Article created February 27, 2009.

This database was designed to support the analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of structural policies through providing easily accessible estimates of the quantitative effects of structural reforms on macroeconomic performance.

Assistance for policymakers

MACMIC is an "encyclopaedia" of reform multipliers, capturing the impact of reforms on macroeconomic variables (e.g. GDP) compared with their baseline level. This can assist policymakers with gauging the possible impacts of different types of reforms, and also gives an idea about the range and the robustness of these results.

As an "encyclopaedia" of the existing evidence on the impact of microeconomic reforms it also provides an overview of the existing empirical studies specifying in detail the reforms examined, the approach selected and the main results. These cover both model simulations and econometric analyses.

>> MACMIC database

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