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EU-Ukraine: Additional €1.8 billion assistance adopted

15.04.2015 - On 15 April, the Commission's proposal of 8 January 2015 for new macro-financial assistance (MFA) to Ukraine was adopted with the signatures of Mr Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, and of Ms. Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, Parliamentary State Secretary for the European Affairs of Latvia, on behalf of the Latvian Presidency of the Council.

The adoption follows the European Parliament's positive vote of 25 March and the Council agreement  of 31 March on the new proposal. The EU and Ukraine will now have to agree on a Memorandum of Understanding. The Commission hopes to conclude this process in the coming weeks, in order to allow for the disbursement of a first tranche of €600 million before the summer break.

The new MFA comes on top of what the EU is already contributing via the State Building contract in terms of humanitarian and technical assistance and in terms of project assistance. It will also be the third MFA programme for Ukraine since 2010. In the course of 2014, the Commission disbursed €1.36 billion under the previous MFA programmes, with a final tranche of €250 million under MFA 1 to be disbursed still in April. Together the three MFA operations to Ukraine amount to €3.41 billion, which represents the largest financial assistance to a third country in such a short time.

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