

Consulted Expert Group / StakeholdereDelivery user community
OutcomeValidation of the eDelivery Roadmap 
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After being debated during the November OMB, the detailed eDelivery roadmaps are open for consultation and comments.

Please find here the links to the Domibus and SMP/SML 2018 roadmaps respectively.

Please provide your comments below before the , the roadmaps will be approved during the next OMB ()  


  1. Some comments to Domibus Roadmap 2018


    1. Ensure possibility to run admin console separately from the Domibus services itself - as administration should be protected with HTTPS, but for services itself it can be an overhead to use HTTPS on already encrypted payload.
    2. Review possibility to use stream API to implement security and MessageQueue communication - as this will give possibility to support files of any size, but most important - have fixed amount of memory for each simultaneous data transfer, which reduces memory requirements significantly (we managed to achieve this in other projects in Denmark)
    3. Minor guide changes - e.g. add an example of metadata.xml for FS plugin into configuration examples as a file, because some PDF readers consider line breaks with a dash as last symbol to be a word break and remove this dash - so namespace ebxml-msg is pasted as ebxmlmsg and it takes time to find the reason why it cannot be parsed by FS plugin…
    4. Move title of angular index.html page into configuration properties - in this case it is more convenient to work with multiple instances, deployed on the same computer, which is very convenient for development and testing.
    5. We have not found description on integration of Domibus and SMP – maybe it is there.
  2. Dear Ole,

    Many thanks for your comments. Please find our feedback below:

    1. This requires the split of Domibus into 2 separate war applications: one war for the UI and war for the Domibus core. The effort to perform this split is substantial, and when comparing with what is gained from this split, we deem it not to be justifiable to engage in this endeavour.

      There is indeed an overhead for using HTTPS for the MSH endpoint but it can be considered a minor one. The advantage of using HTTPS also for the MSH endpoint is that the AS4 header metadata is also encrypted.

    2. The 2 GB cap for the message payload  from the CXF/WSS4J libraries, which do not use streams when doing signing/encryption. Perhaps streaming will be supported by those libraries  in the future.

    3. The suggested minor changes will be included in the roadmap for 2018

    4. Suggested change to be be included in the roadmap for 2018

    5. The dynamic discovery is described in chapter “11. DYNAMIC DISCOVERY OF UNKNOWN PARTICIPANTS” in the Domibus Administration Guide.