Dear users,

We would like to inform you, that every Confluence user will be required to have EU Login Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled in their EU Login account to access any of the websites that include (/sites or /wikis) in their URL. Please note, that it is crucial that you enable the 2FA in your EU Login account; otherwise, you won’t be able to access any Confluence pages anymore.

What is Two-Factors Authentication, and why do we need it?

When logging into Confluence with EU Login while 2FA is activated, you need to provide a second piece of information beyond your username and password (e.g., a PIN, a mobile device or smartphone app, or biometric factors such as facial recognition). This second layer of protection will  increase the security of data stored on our Confluence spaces and prevent an unauthorized access. Even when a password has been compromised, 2FA can stop unauthorized access since the password alone is not enough to sign in to Confluence. This will greatly increase the security of data stored in our Confluence spaces.

When will the 2FA be activated and who will be affected?

  • On /sites -> 3rd of June. Affected users: only those with editing rights for /sites.
  • On /wikis -> 14th of June. Affected users: everyone who accesses spaces on /wikis;

How to activate 2FA?

In order to activate the 2FA, please follow the attached EU Login tutorial and this video.

Do you need help?

In case your 2FA activation failed, please check the FAQ or open a ticket to describe your issue. Make sure to include the following information:

  • Did you use a European Commission computer for your activation (yes/no)?
  • Screenshot of the issue
  • Description of the issue → Which verification method (as mentioned on pages 4-5 of the attached tutorial) did you use and which problem did you encounter?

Kind regards,
The eSignature team

Download EU Login tutorial for more information: 

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