

TopicThe RINIS Foundation is leading an initiative to create a Program Office International for the Netherlands to contribute substantially to the delivery of generic services and applications for the purpose of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, to enable fast, secure and reliable data exchange from- and to her partners within the EU.

The RINIS Foundation is leading an initiative to create a Program Office International for the Netherlands to contribute substantially to the delivery of generic services and applications for the purpose of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, to enable fast, secure and reliable data exchange from- and to her partners within the EU.

The objective of the Program Office International is to programmatically initiate, supervise and execute the development of services provided by the Dutch Government on the European exchanges, and in doing so acquiring and preserving a prominent and reliable role for the Netherlands. This initiative aims to encourage the  alignment with European policies and foster interoperability between national and international domains.