

TopicAPIs for governments

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APIs are a foundational component of modern digital architectures, impacting every sector of the global economy. In the public sector, APIs are a key enabler to accelerate the digital evolution of governments and its agencies. The European Commission has conducted the two-year study “Digital Government APIs. The road to added value Open API-driven services (APIs4DGov)”. The study investigates onto two main questions: (1) Why governments should invest in the adoption of API technologies and, if yes, (2) How they could adopt them. The study is nearing its conclusion, and we are eager to share our progress and interim outcomes (including API best practices) and to get your feedback on future direction.

The APIdays are the world’s leading API conference series and represent a perfect opportunity to facilitate the dialogue between public and private sector and to explore innovative dynamics for the co-creation of functional digital ecosystems using APIs as connectors.

In the APIdays Paris 2019 edition [1] the APIs4DGov team will organise i) a public sector track where governments will present the actors and dynamics of their API fuelled digital ecosystems, specifically, with representatives from government at European, National, Regional and Local levels and ii) a workshop where API best practices and recommendations distilled from the analysis of extensive literature will be presented and discussed with the attendance.