ERRATA on TDDs Q1 release 2023 

Errata for Q1 release

The following table list some known issues in the Q1 2023 release. The solution has already been implemented in the Snapshot Q2 release.  Issues in the GIT repository have been updated there. 

Chapter / LocationCurrent ContentIssueSolutionDate of Change

4.7.5.If the QueryResponse is an evidence response as described in section 4.5.2 the AS4 action is set to ExecuteQueryRequestWrong value for ActionChanged to:
"If the QueryResponse is an evidence response as described in section 4.5.2 the AS4 action is set to ExecuteQueryResponse "




Error in pattern for R-EDM-REQ-S040.Rule updated, bug fix pushed to testing service
GIT EDM-REQ-C: incorrectly expected IP where ER is also valid

Rule updated. Update in progress.

4.5.3Within the list of applicable ebRS Protocol Exceptions(errors) for the error with code EDM:ERR:0008, generated by server when a problem is encountered during the processing of a QueryRequest, the Type is query:QueryExceptionType instead of rs:QueryExceptionType. The QueryExceptionType exception is defined in query.xsd.Incorrect namespace for error type Changed rs:QueryExceptionType to query:QueryExceptionType corresponding to the error with code EDM:ERR:0008
4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, GIT

Added  "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered”  prefix value beside “” for schemeID  attribute of the Identifier.

(e.g., 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:oots-simulator or urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:oots-evidence-provider').

Values too restrictiveAllowing ebCore Party ID type unregistered and specializations used in Projectathon.

Including the class "DistributedAs" to the 4.4.3. Query Error Response of the DSD requesting additional User Provided Attributes (DSD:ERR:005) and API doc. Updating Data Model, Implementation Guideline and XML examples.

According to the XSD this element was mandatory and validation failed. Element has been included to DSD:ERR:005 response. 

Updating cardinality of the classes ReferenceFramework/Related to from 0..n to 1..n

Updating cardinality of the classes ReferenceFramework/Jurisdiction to from 0..1 to 1..n

Updating cardinality of the classes EvidenceType/Jurisdiction to from 0..n to 1..n

The XSD was changed in Q1 2023 release for the query response elements described here but the change wasn't adopted in the LCM and in some tables properly. Both need to be harmonized. LCM was updated



3.2.4 (section 4.2)

Updating cardinality of the classes ReferenceFramework to 1..n in the EB evidence type query.

Updating cardinality of the classes ReferenceFramework to 0..n in the EB requirements query.

The models and tables were inconsistent. Both need to be harmonized so tables were updated.

Additonally, it was necessary to enable requirements queries without reference frameworks to support MS Development Teams to access the requirements in the EB. Thus, a note on the use of optional parameters in the EB requirements query 

Tables in EB query and EB LCM were updated

Updated the cardinality of Description of the DataServiceEvidenceType as optional in Query Error Response of the DSD requesting additional User Provided Attributes(DSD:ERR:005).

According to the Data Model this element is optional.Updated DSD-ERR structure schematron file.

Replaced country code GR with EL for Greece in CountryIdentificationCode-2.3.gc and content schematron files.

EL should be used instead of GR for country codeUpdated CountryIdentificationCode-2.3.gc and content schematron files.

4.5.3 (1, 2, 3.2)

4.6 (4.1)


Changing cardinality and description of "requestID" and rim:slot "EvidenceRequester" from 1..1 to 0..1 in the Error Response. Additionally, update the rules R-EDM-ERR-S003 and R-EDM-ERR-S013. 

If the Evidence Request is not well-formed and these elements are not provided, the error response cannot provide values for it.Making the elements optional and changing the corresponding business rules. Both elements MUST be present in the QueryResponse, unless the rs:exception/@xsi:type 'InvalidRequestExceptionType' is used. The rs:exception/@xsi:type 'InvalidRequestExceptionType' indicates that the QueryRequest was not well-formed. 

GIT (SDG-GenericMetadataProfile-v1.0.0.xsd)

API Doc updated

Currently it was not possible to indicate multiple Jurisdictions for a single reference Framework in the EB requirement query response on the level of the XSD even though it was defined by the TDDs..

The element had a wrong cardinality in the XSDCardinality of Jurisdiction in reference framework type was changed from  0..1 to 0..n in the XSD.

Changed Business Rules description and Schematrons on Agent/Classification in the Request, Response and Error Response. 

Schematron bugfixBusiness Rules and Schematron rules were updated

Updated schematron rules where just a uuid must be present so that no other characters(urn:uuid) are are allowed. 

Schematron bugfixSchematron rules were updated

Fixed rules containing "no other than" not working correctly

Schematron bugfixSchematron rules were updated



Updated cardinalities of Procedure, Requirement slots in Evidence Request 

Values too relaxedUpdated cardinalities of Procedure, Requirement slots in Evidence Request to 1..1


The eIDAS UID format and length update was updated.

Value too restrictiveSCH rule for eIDAS UID format and length update CC/CC/X..Z{9} was updated to   CC/CC/X..Z{256}, where CC is a country code from codelist



If the EB query was started with optional parameters such as 'procedure-id', 'country-code', 'jurisdiction-admin-l2' or 'jurisdiction-admin-l2', the EB always returns only those requirements that have a reference framework included. Requirements without a reference framework are not listed by the EB if optional parameters are used.  For a query without optional parameters, however, the EB returns all requirements, i.e. also those that do not have a reference framework. These are not valid instances in the sense of the follow-up processes of the OOTS. In the follow-up query of the EB "GetEvidenceType", it must be ensured that only those requirements are queried that contain a reference framework. A query without optional parameters returns requirements without corresponding reference framework to support development teams to find applicable (incomplete) requirements that need to be populated via the Life Cycle Management (LCM). has context menu

Value too restrictive

(R-EB-REQ-S017)  Rule was changed from MUST to SHOULD.

New Rule: The xs:element name="ReferenceFramework" type="sdg:ReferenceFrameworkType" SHOULD be present. 

Additional note on the use of optional parameters was added in section 3.2.4 (4.2) and cardinality of reference framework in EB requirements query was changed to 0..n (see issue above)


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