Hello, distinguished e-Invoicing familly,

I would be grateful if some give us some information, advise or link relate to extension specification.

Currently, in the Czech Reublic, we are in preparatory phase for the creation of National validator of e-Invoices, which will be in compliance with both the european standard and simultaneusly recognise of objects of extension specification, as defined by EU Member States. There is allready some factsheet or paper relating to position of EU Member States at the framework of extension specification ?

This informations will be  for creating of National validator very usefull.

Thank you for your cooperation and your help.

Lukáš Slavík

Creation date


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1 Comment

  1. Hi Lukas,

    The key documents you should have when creating a CIUS or an Extension are the

    EN 16931 part 1 Semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice
    EN 16931 part 5 Guidelines on the use of sector or country extensions in conjunction with EN 16931-1, methodology to be applied in the real environment.

    Information on how to obtain a copy can be found here Obtaining a copy of the European standard on electronic invoicing

    For an introduction and overview this page may be useful to you. CIUS and Extension - What is allowed

    Hope this helps and feel free to ask further if needed.

