
On the federal administration level: Federal Ministry of the Interior
On the "Länder" level, each "Land" is responsible for eInvoicing.


eInvoicing is used in practice 

Used in practice for

Receiving and processing: Central authorities, Regional authorities & Local authorities


XRechnung (leading Standard for Central authorities, Regional authorities & Local authorities due to decision by the National IT Planning Council)
ZUGFeRD (promoted by FeRD since 2014)


Not in place yet. Ideas have been discussed on the federal administration level to create a shared portal. 


Currently, there is no legislation on B2G eInvoicing in public procurement in Germany.

On the federal level, the Federal Ministry of the Interior has proposed a draft legislation transposing the eInvoicing Directive on 1 July 2016. The scope of the proposed legislation includes additional requirements. For example, all invoices, regardless of the amount, will have to be transmitted electronically. On the "Länder" level, Bavaria is the first "Land" to transpose the Directive on eInvoices in public procurement; other "Länder" will have to follow in the next few months.

eInvoicing platform and eInvoicing management solutions

There is no eInvoicing platform mandated or recommended by the German government for B2G public procurement. Solution providers can also be publicly-owned, such as Dataport AöR, which is an IT-solution provider for some "Länder", and the Federal Information Technology Centre (ZIVIT), which is the solution provider to the Federal government. These Länder include: Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein as well as the communal group "IT-Verbund Schleswig-Holstein".

Approach for receiving and processing eInvoices

Most eInvoicing operations are conducted following bilateral agreements between public administrations and economic operators (IT-solution providers or eInvoicing service providers acting on their behalf).

The approach for receiving and processing eInvoices submitted by economic operators is decentralised. Public administrations receiving eInvoices decide whether to process eInvoices as structured data or according to a non-automated process (e.g. by printing a PDF file).

Most eInvoices are received by e-mail and further processed by integrated workflow software solutions. Alternatively, eInvoices can be received through transport protocols when these are established between contracting parties.

Additional information

The German eInvoicing Forum (Forum elektronische Rechnung Deutschland – FeRD) is an important organisation in the German eInvoicing ecosystem. The FeRD was founded by the Working Group for Economic Management (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Wirtschaftliche Verwaltung e.V. - AWV) in 2010. It aims to foster the use of eInvoicing in the public and private sectors. The FeRD is an industry-neutral forum, composed of members from ministries and other governmental bodies and important industry associations. FeRD is a voluntary organization based on contributions and resources from its members and experts; it has no budget.

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Last updated:  Nov 09, 2017 10:20



ReviewerStefan Engel-Flechsig

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