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The `settings.xml` located inside the `.\config\` folder contains several global configuration settings used inside the component.
Below you find a pseudo example of the settings shipped with the component itself. It contains onlyl a `<SubmitAgent />` but other types of agents are also available (See the section below about **Agents**).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Repository type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Repositories.CertificateRepository" />
        <SubmitAgent name="FILE Submit Agent">
            <Receiver type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Receivers.FileReceiver">
                <Setting key="FilePath">.\messages\out</Setting>
                <Setting key="FileMask">*.xml</Setting>
                <Setting key="PollingInterval">0:00:05</Setting>
            <Transformer type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Transformers.SubmitMessageXmlTransformer" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.RetrieveSendingPModeStep" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.DynamicDiscoveryStep"/>
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.CreateAS4MessageStep" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.StoreAS4MessageStep" />

The different kind of settings are explained in the following paragraphs:

GUID Format

When creating AS4 Messages, Message Ids are being generated. To configure the format in which this must be done the <IdFormat/> tag is being used inside the settings.xml.


Payload Service In Process

This setting defines whether or not the (optional) PayloadService should be started in-process with the AS4.NET MessageHandler.

The PayloadService is a REST service that can contain payloads that are referenced by submit-messages.

FE In Process

This setting defines whether or not the AS4.NET FrontEnd should be started in-process with the AS4.NET MessageHandler. The AS4.NET FrontEnd web-application lets you configure the AS4.NET messagehandler and offers monitoring functionality.

Database Provider

The component can be configured to store messages and exceptions in another datastore. Inside the settings.xml the <Database/> tag is responsible for this. Underneath this tag you define the <Provider/>, which can be SQLite, SQLServer,… any type which is supported in Entity Framework Core; and the which defines the actual connection to the database.

So, let’s say you want to change the provider to store the messages in a SQL Server database; you must change the to “SqlServer” and the to a valid SQL Server Connection String: Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Trusted_Connection=True;.

  • Default Provider: Sqlite
  • Default Connection String: Filename=database\messages.db

Certificate Store

To support signing and encrypting messages, certificates are needed. The certificate store that’s needed to retrieve this certificates and be set in the <StoreName/> tag.

Default: My

The default implementation is used to retrieve certificates from a certificate store on a Windows environment; but you can write your own implementation. If you’re on a Windows environment (so the default implementation is OK for you) you can define here in which Store you want to search.

Following values can be used:

Member Name



The X.509 certificate store for other users.


The X.509 certificate store for third-party certificate authorities (CAs).


The X.509 certificate store for intermediate certificate authorities (CAs).


The X.509 certificate store for revoked certificates.


The X.509 certificate store for personal certificates.


The X.509 certificate store for trusted root certificate authorities (CAs).


The X.509 certificate store for directly trusted people and resources.


The X.509 certificate store for directly trusted publishers.


The AS4 protocol has several operations: Submit, Send, Receive, Deliver and Notify. All of these operations are configured in the settings.xml as Agents. Each agent has three items which defines the agent: Receiver, Transformer and Step(s).

A Receiver can be configured in the <Receiver/> tag in each agent. There are multiple kinds of receivers: FileReceiver, DatastoreReceiver, HttpReceiver… Each needed to be configured in order to work correctly. This can be done in the children of this tag as a <Setting/> (with attribute key; the inner text of the tag is the value).

A Transformer can be configured in the <Transformer/> tag in each agent. This transformer is needed in order to transform the received message (could be .xml, .json…) and transform it to a AS4 Message that can be used in the Step(s).

A Step or Steps can be configured in the <StepConfiguration/> tag in each agent. The StepConfiguration element must at least contain a NormalPipeline element. The NormalPipeline element contains the steps that must be executed by the Agent. These steps will be executed after the message is being transformed. Example of steps are: CreateReceiptStep, CompressAttachmentsStep, DecryptAS4MessageStep

The StepConfiguration can contain an ErrorPipeline element as well. This element contains the Steps that will be executed when a step in the NormalPipeline failed to execute successfully.

Each tag (Receiver, Transformer and Step) has a type attribute which defines the type of which the instance must be created inside the component.

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