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<p><a class="link-cta primary before" href=""><span>Back to the events calendar</span></a></p>

<div class="introduction-box">

<div class="introduction-box-cover">

<div class="introduction-box-content">
<p class="h5">13 - 14 June 2024 | Brussels, Belgium</p>
<h1 class="h2"><span class="heading-subtitle">Online and offline event</span>#3 OOTS Accelerator Event 2024</h1>
<p>This hybrid event aims to accelerate technical readiness of Member States’ national infrastructure.</p>
<!--<p>Registration: <strong>From 15 May - until 31 May 2024</strong></p>-->
<p>Registration: <strong>Closed</strong></p>
<!--<p><span class="badge success">Registration coming soon</span></p>-->
<!--<p class="text-right"><a class="btn primary" 
<p><a class="link-cta primary before" href=""><span>Back to the events calendar<eusurvey/runner/2024Accelerator3"><span>Register</span></a></p>

<div class="introduction-box">

<div class="introduction-box-cover">

<div class="introduction-box-content">
<p class="h5">13 - 14 June 2024 | Brussels, Belgium</p>
<h1 class="h2"><span class="heading-subtitle">Online and offline event</span>#2 OOTS Accelerator Event 2024</h1>
<p>Administrative Procedures involving evidence related to Population Registries and Education Credentials.</p>
<!--<p>Registration: <strong>26 March - 12 April 2024</strong></p>-->
<!--<p>Registration: <strong>Closed</strong></p>-->
<!--<p><span class="badge success">Registration coming soon</span></p>-->
<p class="text-right"><a class="btn primary</div>
classcols justify-content-center
<h2>Event highlights</h2>
<p class="gallery-p">Experience the event in its entirety and relive every moment with our gallery.</p>


<p class="gallery-cta"><a class="btn ghost" href="
digital-building-blocks/sites/x/n4G4L"><span>See all gallery images</span><span class="ico-cta-forward"></span></a></p>
</div> </div>
<div class="col-8">


<h2 class="h3">Practical information</h2>

<ul class="information-list">

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Location</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>Brussels, Belgium<br><a href="" target="_blank">Sparks meeting</a><br>60 Rue Ravenstein,<br> 1000 Brussels</Belgium</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Date</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>15><p>13 - 1714 MayJune 2024</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Registration</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>26 March - 12 April 2024<><p>Closed</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Target groups</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>All Member State teams relevant for implementing the Once-Only Technical System, inincluding particularCompetent EvidenceAuthorities Providers (to be definedonboarded by the relevant National Coordinators)or informed.</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Fees</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>No fees are charged to participate in this event.</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Travel</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>For><p>The theCommission twocan thematiccover Projectathonthe eventsreimbursement of 2024,travel reimbursementcosts willfor includeone coveringpublic theand travelone costsprivate ofsector up to 4 participants in total expert per Member State (in accordance with the rules for reimbursement of experts attending meetings of the European Commission): up to two (2) from the national team (as previously), and up to two (2) Competent Authorities representatives, vouched by the National Coordinator.</p></div>




<h2 class="h3">Description</h2>

<p>The May 2024 Projectathon will be based on the production version of the Once-Only Technical Design Documents.</p>
<p>Previous <a.</p></div>




<h2 class="h3">Description</h2>

<p>This hybrid event aims to accelerate technical readiness of Member States’ national OOTS infrastructure. To facilitate attendance, this event will be run both in-person and online. However, note that in-person attendance increases the quality of support and facilitates interaction across all teams. A successful accelerator event will build confidence among teams when they come together to</p>

<li>attend training, information and brainstorming sessions about the OOTS</li>
<li>ensure the readiness of their national systems and the Competent Authorities connecting to the OOTS.</li>

<p style="margin-top:2.5rem; margin-bottom:0;"><a class="link-download primary" href="">Projectathons</a> were an opportunity for all parties to learn, make mistakes, help each other and to assess the status of their respective Once-Only developments. The <a href="">October 2023 event</a> focussed on assessing production-readiness of the Once-Only Technical System components. In 2024, the European Commission is organising two Projectathons (in May and October).</p>

<p>Both 2024 Projectathons will be thematic. The May 2024 Projectathon will focus on Education and Population data, and on linking the Once-Only Technical System with related systems such as EMREX. <a target="_blank" href="">EMREX</a> is an independent, international network that provides an electronic data exchange solution aiming to empower individuals to control their own student data and exchange throughout lifespan, across borders and for various purposes. With 1.600+ connected institutions, the EMREX network enables students to transfer their academic credentials to institutions, employers and more in a fast and secure way.</p>

<p>This Projectathon runs concurrently with a meeting of national Competent Authprities, allowing them to learn more about the Once-Only Technical System.</p>

<p>A high-level overview and summary of current test cases is available to the Testing and deployment sub-group (<a target="_blank" href="">restricted access</a>).</p>

<p>The full test cases with detailed step-by-step descriptions will be made accessible later via the Gazelle platform (<a target="_blank" href="">restricted access</a>).</p>

<p>In addition to the main plenary testing track, this event will allow for some more advanced scenarios to be discussed in dedicated exploration sessions or in a restricted test session between teams interested in such scenarios.</p>

<p>The tests will start with static and pre-agreed data. This is to be discussed in and shared through the relevant Testing and deployment sub-group (<a target="_blank" href="">restricted access</a>) and/or collaborative space on Teams. Those Member States that want to go further and create custom datasets or dynamic datasets for bilateral tests are invited to do so as well.</p>

<p>In order to get most benefits from a Projectathon the aim is to be fully automated during the May 2024 Projectathon itself and only use the manual or tooling steps to get up to speed before the event or during the setup stage.</p>

<p style="margin-top:2.5rem; margin-bottom:0;"><a class="link-download primary" href=""><span>Download the privacy statement</span></a></p>


_Privacy_Statement_meetings_and_events.pdf"><span>Download the privacy statement</span></a></p>


classsection agenda
<h2 class="h3">Agenda track 1</h2>
<p style="color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);">At our 3rd accelerator event, Member States will have the opportunity to present their progress in implementing and designing the OOTS experience. Through live or video demos, they can inspire other members and provide them with ideas to implement in their own countries. This is an excellent opportunity for Member States to share knowledge and best practices with one another.</p>
<p class="illu-projectathon-agenda"><img alt="" aria-hidden="true" src=""></p>
<p><span class="location room-2"><span></span><span>Room 1D (floor 1)</span></span></p>
titleDay 1
<ul class="agenda-hour">

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">08:30 - 10:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Welcome coffee & registration</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">10:00 - 11:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Member State Demo (Finland) and roundtable</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">11:00 - 12:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Member State Demo (Italy) and roundtable</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">12:00 - 13:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Lunch</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">13:00 - 14:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Informal planning discussion</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">14:00 - 15:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Member State Demo (Austria) and roundtable</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">15:00 - 16:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Member State Demo (Portugal and Spain) and roundtable</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">18:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Social event</strong>

titleDay 2
<ul class="agenda-hour">

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">08:30 - 09:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Welcome coffee & registration</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:30 - 10:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Roundtable</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">11:00 - 12:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Member State Demo (Germany) and roundtable</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">12:00 - 13:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Lunch</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">13:00 - 14:45</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Accelerator Demos</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">14:45 - 16:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>POC Contact Group</strong></div>

<h2 class="h3">Agenda track 2</h2>
<p class="illu-projectathon-agenda"><img alt="" aria-hidden="true" src=""></p>
<p><span class="location room-2"><span></span><span>Room 1C (floor 1)</span></span></p>
titleDay 1
<ul class="agenda-hour">

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">08:30 - 09:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Welcome coffee & registration</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:30 - 10:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Introduction</strong><br>
<i>Welcome words and an outline of what to expect over the next two days</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">10:30 - 12:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Testing session #1</strong><br>
<i>Support information and relevant procedure + Common Service planning + cross-validation update</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">12:00 - 13:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><strong>Lunch</strong></div>
classsection agenda
<h2 class="h3">Projectathon agenda</h2>
titleDay 1
<ul class="agenda-hour">

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col"></>13:00 - 14:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></span><><strong>Testing session #2</strong><br>
<i>Common Service readiness indicators (including discovery feature and query service), covering relevant PROD + ACC instances + Latest OOTS Validator / Data model checks</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">08>14:30 - 0915:15<00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Welcome breakfast coffee & registration​
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->

><strong>Coffee break​</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09>15:1500 - 0917:30<00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Opening><strong>Testing of the event
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:30 - 10:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Welcome words, Hubert Gambs (DG GROW) and Veronica Gaffey (DG DIGIT)
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->session #3</strong><br>
<i>Access Point readiness indicators (focus on connectivity and readiness in PROD and ACC + finding issues to be corrected by next day)</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">10>17:00 - 1117:00<30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Welcome to><strong>Wrap-up</strong><br>
<i>Evaluation of the participating teams and practical info
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">11:00 - 12>18:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Technical set-up and initial tests​
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->><strong>Social event</strong>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">12>11:00 - 1312:00<00​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Lunch
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->>
<strong>Welcome breakfast & coffee</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>

titleDay 2
<ul class="agenda-hour">

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">13>08:0030 - 1509:00<30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing – Part 1​
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->

<div class="><strong>Welcome coffee & registration</strong></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">15>09:0030 - 1510:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Coffee break
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->><strong>Roundtable on Accelerator progress and Competent Authority involvement (present and future)</strong>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">15>10:30 - 1712:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing – Part 2
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->><strong>Testing Session #4</strong><br>
<i>Preparing and executing E2E transactions</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">17>12:00 - 1713:20<00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Wrap-up of the day + introduction to next day
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->><strong>Lunch</strong>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">From 17>13:00 - 14:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Social event
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->><strong>Testing Session #5</strong><br>
<i>Demos of E2E transactions (focus on real transactions in PROD or test transactions in ACC)</i>

titleDay 2
<ul class="agenda-hour">

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><>14:30 - 15:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></span></><strong>Coffee break</strong>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">08>15:3000 - 0916:15<30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Welcome breakfast & coffee
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->><strong>Testing Session #6</strong><br>
<i>Planning October Projectathon: Test cases, Test data (including identities), Thematic focus areas, Competent Authority data services and related systems</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09>16:1530 - 0917:45<00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Introduction to><strong>Wrap-up</strong><br>
<i>Evaluation of the Once-Onlyevent Technicaland Systemlookout Projectathonto (Day 2)
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->next steps</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09>11:45 00- 12:00<00​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing – Part 1​
<strong>Welcome breakfast & coffee</strong><br>
<span class="labellocation ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->room-2"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">12:00 - 13:00</div>>

<div class="cols">
<div class="
hour-col">Lunch​​ <!--<p

<h2 class="
label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>--> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="agenda-hour-cols"> <div class="agenda-hour-col">13:00 - 15:00</div> <div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing – Part 2 <!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>--> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="agenda-hour-cols"> <div class="agenda-hour-col">15:00 - 15:30</div> <div class="agenda-hour-col">Coffee break​ <!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>--> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="agenda-hour-cols"> <div class="agenda-hour-col">15:30 - 17:00</div> <div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing – Part 3 <!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>--> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="agenda-hour-cols"> <div class="agenda-hour-col">17:00 - 17:20</div> <div class="agenda-hour-col">Wrap-up of the day + introduction to next day <!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>--> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="agenda-hour-cols"> <div class="agenda-hour-col">17:20 - 17:30</div> <div class="agenda-hour-col">Closing of Day 2​ <!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>--> </div> </div> </li> </ul>
titleDay 3
<ul class="agenda-hour">

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col"></div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col"><span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></span></div>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">08:30 - 09:15</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Welcome breakfast & coffee
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Brussels, Belgium</span></p>-->

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:15 - 10:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Introduction to the Once-Only Technical System Projectathon (Day 3)​
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Plenary (Room 2.C & 2.D)</span></p>-->

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">10:00 - 12:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing – Part 1​
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Plenary (Room 2.C & 2.D)</span></p>-->

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">12:00 - 13:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Lunch
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Plenary (Room 2.C & 2.D)</span></p>-->

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">13:00 - 14:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">State of play of May Projectathon​
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Plenary (Room 2.C & 2.D)</span></p>-->

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">14:00 - 14:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Coffee break​
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Plenary (Room 2.C & 2.D)</span></p>-->

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">14:30 - 16:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Peer-to-peer testing – Part 2​
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Plenary (Room 2.C & 2.D)</span></p>-->

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">16:00 - 17:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Extra testing time (optional)​
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Plenary (Room 2.C & 2.D)</span></p>-->

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">17:30</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">End​
<!--<p class="label ccab"><span>Plenary (Room 2.C & 2.D)</span></p>-->

<h2 class="h3">Exploration rooms</h2>
<p class="illu-projectathon-agenda"><img alt="" aria-hidden="true" src=""></p>
titleDay 1
<ul class="agenda-hour">

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">11:00-12:00​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Walk through of the OOTS user journey​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>
<i>In this session participants will be asked to click through different OOTS procedures prototypes. The objective is to familiarise participants the expected end user journey and identify potential challenges that can be addressed in more specific exploratory sessions throughout the event.</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">13:00-14:00​​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Evidence mapping for evidence requesters​​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>
<i>This session will discuss which competent authorities need to connect to the OOTS as evidence requesters, how to submit your procedural requirements, how to add your data to the Common Services and will seek to identify challenges and solutions to make the process between all stakeholders more efficient.​</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">14:00-15:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Adapting procedure portals to OOTS</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>
<i>In this session the EC will present the UX recommendations for procedure portals, and we’ll brainstorm on potential challenges to implement them in various scenarios that competent authorities may have.</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">14:00-15:30​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Authentication & Identity Matching​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-2"><span></span><span>Room 2</span></span><br>
<i>In this session experts in cross-border authentication and national identity matching and UX will come together to discuss challenges and explore potential solutions.​</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">15:30-17:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Evidence mapping for evidence providers</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>
<i>This session will discuss which competent authorities need to connect to the OOTS as evidence providers, how they can use the evidence explorer to determine what evidence types will need to be provided and how they can input their data to the Common Services.</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">16:00-17:00​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Legal person authentication​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-2"><span></span><span>Room 2</span></span><br>
<i>In this session experts will discuss the latest state of play, on-going challenges and potential solutions to cross-border legal person authentication.​​</i>

titleDay 2
<ul class="agenda-hour">

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:30-10:30​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Population – Enabling the exchange of structured data​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>
<i>This session will explore the procedural requirements, potential OOTS data models and national data models with a view to enabling the exchange of structured data in the population domain.​</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:30-12:00​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Preview space​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-2"><span></span><span>Room 2</span></span><br>
<i>In this session we will explore challenges related to the language of the evidence, whether the user should have the option to download the evidence, and whether the preview space can request the user to provide more information to filtering the list of evidences to show and explore other challenges.​</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">11:00-12:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Education – Enabling the exchange of structured data​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>
<i>This session will explore the procedural requirements, potential OOTS data models and national data models with a view to enabling the exchange of structured data in the education domain.​</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">13:00-15:00​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>The future of the Common Services​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>
<i>In this session we will explore how the Common Services could be enhanced to manage the procedural requirements definition process, better display information requirements and allow evidence providers to publish all the attributes they are able to supply.​</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">13:00-14:00​​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<span class="location room-2"><span></span><span>Room 2</span></span><br>
<i>This session will be a deep dive on the architecture, user experience and data input requirements for the Common Services to enable evidence exchange with the EMREX bridge.​</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">14:00-15:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<span class="location room-2"><span></span><span>Room 2</span></span><br>
<i>This sessions will discuss the latest udpates on the business and technical side in the analysis of an EESSI / OOTS bridge.</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">15:30-17:00​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Strategies and resources for onboarding CAs​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>
<i>In this session we will discuss the various strategies Member States are using to onboarding competent authorities and brainstorm ideas for resources, tools and communication activities to support the process.</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">15:30-17:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Delayed Response​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-2"><span></span><span>Room 2</span></span><br>
<i>This sessions will explore users flows and architecture considerations to enable the exchange of evidences that are not ready to be exchanged in real-time.</i>

titleDay 3
<ul class="agenda-hour">

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:30-11:00​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>Operational Governance</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>
<i>In this session, participants will be guided through the Incident Management process and encouraged to provide their insights on how to improve it. They will have the opportunity to discuss suggestions, share relevant experiences, and explore ways to enhance the Incident Management procedures.​​</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:30-10:30​</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>UX Wrap-up​​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-2"><span></span><span>Room 2</span></span><br>
<i>In this session participants will discuss the main UX challenges that were raised throughout the three days and define priority issues to be addressed in the UX lab ahead of the next Projectathon.</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">11:00-12:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>The future of Semantic Repository</strong><br>
<span class="location room-1"><span></span><span>Room 1</span></span><br>
<i>In session the EC team will present an update on the progress made on the semantic repository and discuss future enhancements.​</i>

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">11:00-12:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">
<strong>The future of the Evidence Explorer​</strong><br>
<span class="location room-2"><span></span><span>Room 2</span></span><br>
<i>In this session participants will be asked to discuss how the evidence explorer could further support the evidence mapping process, new features to help users browse and make sense of the data and discuss what additional attributes could enhance the data set.​​</i>

<div class="cols">
<div class="col-9">

<h2 class="h3">How to register in the OOTS Projectathons</h2>

<p>The Organising Team invites the National Coordinators to register for the Projectathon event via an event registration form (using EU Survey)</p>
<p>National Coordinators register for the Projectathon event via EU Survey. They share the link to the event registration form with each person joining the Projectathon from their Member State (including the Competent Authorities). It is mandatory for every participant from a Member State to fill in the event registration form for the May 2024 Projectathon (it is a pre-condition for getting access to the Gazelle platform). Please register on time, this is also needed for the catering.</p>
<p>Once the event registration process is completed (see step 2), the Supporting Team invites National Coordinators to encode their organisation and users (team members) in the Gazelle platform (active participants only). Note that all participants will have to register again in 2024 (2023 data has been anonymised and removed from Gazelle). In case you need test related data for archiving or auditing purposes, don’t forget to archive your data in Gazelle at the end of the year since data will be again anonymised and will be deleted one month after the end of the year (around end of January 2025) </p>
<p>National Coordinators select the relevant test session (May 2024) and add your System(s) Under Test (SUT) in the Gazelle platform (active participants only). Note that since data of 2023 has been anonymized in Gazelle and because there is a new modelisation for 2024, you will have to recreate your SUT.</p>

<!--<p class="p-btn-cta"><a class="btn primary" href=""><span>Register for the Projectathon #4</span></a></p>-->

<div class="cols justify-content-center">

<div class="col-8">
<div class="box-playbook">
<div class="box-playbook-cols">

<div class="box-playbook-illu">
<img aria-hidden="true" alt="" src=" playbook.png">  

<div class="box-playbook-content">
<h4><span class="subtitle">Projectathon Playbook</span>Want to learn more?</h4>
<p class="p-opacity">Explore the Projectathon Playbook for a detailed overview of the Projectathon events organisation, teams and how to participate.</p>
<p><a class="btn primary-bis" href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent','conversion','oots-projectathon-detail-page-04','oots-projectathon-playbook'])"><span>Download the Projectathon Playbook</span><span class="ico-download"></span></a></p>

<a class="secondary-download " href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent','conversion','oots-projectathon-detail-page-04','oots-projectathon-playbook-appendix-gazelle'])"><span>Download Appendix: Gazelle SUT capabilities and associated concepts</span></a>
<a class="secondary-download" href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent','conversion','oots-projectathon-detail-page-04','oots-projectathon-playbook-annex2-gazelle'])"><span>Annex 2: how to do pre-tests in Gazelle</span></a>h3">How to register in the OOTS Projectathons</h2>

<p>The Organising Team invites the National Coordinators to register for the Projectathon event via an event registration form (using EU Survey)</p>
<p>National Coordinators register for the Projectathon event via EU Survey. They share the link to the event registration form with each person joining the Projectathon from their Member State (including the Competent Authorities). It is mandatory for every participant from a Member State to fill in the event registration form for the May 2024 Projectathon (it is a pre-condition for getting access to the Gazelle platform). Please register on time, this is also needed for the catering.</p>
<p>Once the event registration process is completed (see step 2), the Supporting Team invites National Coordinators to encode their organisation and users (team members) in the Gazelle platform (active participants only). Note that all participants will have to register again in 2024 (2023 data has been anonymised and removed from Gazelle). In case you need test related data for archiving or auditing purposes, don’t forget to archive your data in Gazelle at the end of the year since data will be again anonymised and will be deleted one month after the end of the year (around end of January 2025) </p>
<p>National Coordinators select the relevant test session (May 2024) and add your System(s) Under Test (SUT) in the Gazelle platform (active participants only). Note that since data of 2023 has been anonymized in Gazelle and because there is a new modelisation for 2024, you will have to recreate your SUT.</p>


</div>!--<p class="p-btn-cta"><a class="btn primary" href=""><span>Register for the Projectathon #4</span></a></p>-->


<div class="cols">

<div class="col-12">
<p class="text-right"><a class="btn primary" href=""><span>Register fo this event</span></a></p>
