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<div class="ar-exc-item" style="display: none;">
    <div class="ar-exc-date">may 2021, 2024</div>
    <div class="ar-exc-page-id">736100362</div>
    <div class="ar-exc-title">The Digital Identity Regulation Enters into Force</div>
    <div class="ar-exc-descr">The Digital Identity Regulation entered into force on 20/05/20232024. Member States will now be required to offer at least one EU Digital Identity Wallet to all Citizens, Residents, and Businesses by 2026.</div>
    <div class="ar-exc-image">/digital-building-blocks/sites/download/attachments/736100362/image-articlepreview.jpg</div>
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                    News Overview
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                <h2 class="pb h2"><span class="d-block">The Digital Identity WalletRegulation isEnters now on its wayinto Force.</h2>
                <p class="ar-date"><span class="ar-date-txt"></span> | <span class="ar-min-read"></span></p>
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                    <!-- <h4 class="h4">The Digital Identity Regulation adopted by the European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers.</h4> -->
                    <p>On the 28th February, The European Parliament gave its final approval to the<p><a href="" target="_blank">The Digital Identity Regulation, 
                        with 335 votes to 190, with 31 abstentions. It was adopted by the EU Council of Ministers on Regulation</a> entered into force on 20/05/2024. It amends the previous Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 as regards establishing the European Digital Identity Framework. Member States will now be required to offer at least one EU Digital Identity Wallet to all Citizens, and Residents by 2026.</p>
                    <p>The wallet will be 26tha ofmobile Theenabling nextusers stepto willidentify bethemselves itsto publicationpublic inand theprivate Officialonline Journalservices, andall itsover entryEurope. 
In addition, users will be able to  store, present and share digital documents (everything from university diplomas to train tickets) as well as intoelectronically forcesign 20or daysseal laterdocuments.
<div class="section" id="sec-3-article">
    <div class="container"><p>The regulation introduces the EU Digital Identity Wallet, which will allow citizens to 
        <div class="cols">
               identify and authenticate themselves online to a range of public and private services, 
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                <blockquote class="quote-wrapper">
                   as well as store and share digital documents. Wallet users will also be able to create free digital signatures.</p>
<img class="quotes-img" src="/digital-building-blocks/sites/download/attachments/712507533/ico-quotes.svg" aria-hidden="true">
                    <h3 class="quote-txt">The EU Digital Identity Wallet will revolutionise the way <p>TheEuropean EUcitizens Digitaland Identitybusinesses Walletengage willwith beonline usedservices onby aseamlessly voluntaryintegrating basisconvenience, safety and noprivacy. oneBy canproviding bea discriminatedtransparent 
and secure framework, this innovative solution ensures that our personal data remains safeguarded as we navigate the digital world.</h3>
           against for not using the wallet. The wallet will be open-source, to further encourage transparency, <p class="quote-writer">Thierry Breton Commissioner for Internal Market</p>
        innovation,   and enhance security.</p>
   <p>The European Commission has already invested €46 million from the Digital Europe Programme in four Large Scale <p>FindPilots out moreto abouttest the EU historyDigital ofIdentity theWallet regulationin anda therange projectof <a href="">here</a>everyday use-cases; including Mobile Driving Licences, payments, and education and professional qualifications.</p>
<p>A second call for large-scale pilots to support the deployment of the wallets has just been <!-- <div class="img-wrapper">
<a target="_blank"
                     <img   srchref="https:/digital-building-blocks/sites/download/attachments/716146242/image-article-2.jpg"
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                    <h4 class="h4">Open-source code and new version of the ARF released for public feedback.</h4>
                    <p>The open-source code of the EU Digital Identity Wallet, and the latest version of 
                        the Architecture and Reference Framework (ARF)  are now available on <a href="" target="_blank">our Github</a>.</p>
                    <p>Version 1.3 of the ARF is now  available to the public, to gather feedback before its adoption /">published</a>.
                <img class="lila-line" src="/digital-building-blocks/sites/download/attachments/712507533/image-lila-line.svg" aria-hidden="true">
     by the expert group.  The ARF outlines how</div>
 wallets distributed by Member States will function </div>
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 and contains a high level overview of the standards and practices that are needed to build the wallet.</p><blockquote class="quote-wrapper">
                    <p>The open-source code of the wallet (also referred to as the reference implementation) is 
<img class="quotes-img" src="/digital-building-blocks/sites/download/attachments/712507533/ico-quotes.svg" aria-hidden="true">
                    <h3 class="quote-txt">Today marks an important step in the development of the EU Digital Identity Wallet. builtAbout ontwo theyears specificationsfrom outlined in the ARF. It is based on a modular architecture composed 
                        of a set of business agnostic, reusable components which will evolve in incremental steps 
now, every European will be able to safely manage personal digital documents and access public and private online services with full control of personal data from a personal mobile app offered on a voluntary basis to all European citizens and residents.</h3>
                    <p class="quote-writer">Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital andAge</p>
 can be reused across multiple projects.</p>
          <p>Are you a developer or just interested<p>Now inthat the project?regulation Youis can dive-intoin force, the open-source code, 
                        and consult the ARF, as well as contribute your feedback on <a href="" target="_blank">our Github</a>Commission will prepare implementing acts defining the specifications needed to build inter-operable EU Digital Identity Wallets that all feature the same high level of security and data protection, while working seamlessly across the EU.</p>
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