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Ministry of Public Administration (policy making)
Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (PPA), attached to the Ministry of Finance (implementation and maintenance) 


Provision of Payment Services to Budget Users Act (Zakon o opravljanju plačilnih storitev za proračunske uporabnike (Uradni list RS, št. 77/16 in 47/19))
B2G and G2G eInvoicing is mandatory in Slovenia since 2015

Transposed the Directive 2014/55/EU


Use of the extra year for compliance of non-central entities (by )

Mandatory for

Receiving and processing: Central, regional and local authorities

Submitting: suppliers of public bodies

B2B mandate


Monitoring mechanism 



e-SLOG (national XML standard), UBL 2.1, UN/CEFACT CII D16B

PlatformPPA eInvoicing system
Use of CIUS and Extensions


CIUS project on-going


eInvoicing has been mandatory in Slovenia since 1 January 2015. Provision of Payment Services to Budget Users Act mandates  mandates the use of eInvoices in billing for public procurement. The use of eInvoices is fully applied in the public sector (B2G and G2G). The law further mandates the use of the Public Payments’ Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (PPA) eInvoicing system and details its tasks.

The transposition of the eInvoicing Directive (2014/55/EU) into Slovenian law is contained in in Act Amending the Provision of Payment Services to Budget Users Act.

eInvoicing platform and eInvoicing management solutions

In Slovenia, it is mandatory that eInvoices in B2G and G2G are sent through the the PPA eInvoicing system. eInvoices can be transmitted by service providers through different channels (such as web-services,  a dedicated web-portal, etc.) and by using different market solutions.

The vast majority of eInvoices in Slovenia are exchanged via eInvoicing network service providers. BizBox

network provided by ZZI and

 network provided by ZZI and Bankart Banks Network are the main eInvoicing service providers used by public entities and economic operators in Slovenia. Major Slovenian providers of enterprise software solutions (Enterprise Resources Planning solutions, accounting solutions and others) have integrated interoperability services of those eInvoicing service providers into their software solutions. This enables end users (especially SMEs) to engage in a broader ecosystem to exchange eInvoices with all network participants, without any additional costs. This enables the interaction between different service providers' networks with the highest possible degree of automation. Therefore, users are not required to use additional software solutions for sending and receiving eInvoices and other electronic business documents. 

Approach for receiving and processing eInvoices

In Slovenia, economic operators send all eInvoices to the PPA through its central eInvoicing system (PPA eInvoicing system). Economic operators can submit eInvoices:

  • Manually via the web-portal PPA eInvoicing (UJP eRačun). This service is provided to small businesses that can directly submit up to 100 eInvoices per year;
  • Automatically via eInvoicing service providers that have successfully obtained certification from the the PPA eInvoicing system and  and have established a direct connection with the PPA. This method for sending eInvoices is recommended for SME's and large-sized enterprises due to the process automation and the data integration with the companies’ in-house systems;
  • Automatically through Bankart eInvoicing solutions provided by banks participating in the eInvoicing inter-bank exchange in Slovenia. It is used in the eInvoicing inter-bank exchange with the PPA. The Bankart allows the participating banks and the PPA to submit and receive electronic invoices to and from their clients using their own solutions (e.g. electronic banking services).

No electronic signature is required for eInvoices and the archiving period amounts to 10 years and it increases to 20 years for immovable property[1].

eInvoicing implementation in sub-central level contracting authorities 

A centralised eInvoicing model is in operation, and used by about 2 750 contracting authorities. Portal UJP  UJP eračun and Peppol  Peppol are used to deal with eInvoices received from non-domestic suppliers. Since the 1 January 2015, public authorities must receive and process eInvoices. 

At the sub-central level, the European standard is fully implemented, in parallel of the usage of e-SLOG (national standard). 

The main identified benefits of the implementation of eInvoicing at the sub-central level are cost and operational savings, the reduction of administrative burden and optimization of time to payments and the contribution to process automation. Most of the eInvoices processing is done automatically and all budget users can use ePayment services.  

Status on the implementation of the European Standard on eInvoicing (EN)

The new version of the national e-SLOG standard (version 2.0) is compliant with the EN. e-SLOG 2.0 is based on UN/EDIFACT INVOIC syntax as this syntax is wide-spread in Slovenia among economic operators. The Public Payment Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (PPA) is the single entry and exit point for the B2G and G2G exchange of eInvoices. Since October 2020, budget users receive and issue eInvoices in the e-SLOG standard version 2.0 (previously in the e-SLOG standard version 1.6). The PPA developed the following solutions in order to enable budget users to receive eInvoices in the EU standard:


enables the transformation of the eInvoice received in the European standard (UBL 2.1 or CEFACT CII syntax) into the



standard version



format in order to enable budget users to receive eInvoices in the EU standard.

The PPA has

  • Transformation of the eInvoice received in the new e-SLOG standard version 2.0 into the e-SLOG standard version 1.6;
  • Supported eInvoice visualization in e-SLOG version 2.0.
  • The PPA upgraded its entry point so that it now includes access points for eDelivery in accordance with the eDelivery AS4 and OpenPEPPOL AS2 profiles, thus enabling budget users to receive eInvoices submitted in the European standard. PPA is

    Two OpenPeppol certified access points are active in Slovenia and have been connected to the PEPPOL system since 2018.

    The Exchange Hub is an additional Slovenian eInvoicing entry point intended for all contracting entities other than budget users. The Exchange hub is operated by network service provider ZZI and provides users the same set of functionality for eInvoicing in accordance with the eInvoicing Directive and the EN as the PPA's single entry and exit point for budget users. The ZZI's Exchange hub is also certified Peppol access point.

    The PPA access point is dedicated to eInvoice exchanges with the public sector, while the Peppol access point for the economy is provided by ZZI within the bizBox platform.

    Between 2017 and 2020, Slovenia successfully implemented two e-invoicing projects ROSE The ROSE 2 (Readiness of Slovenian eInvoicing 2) project upgrade the Exchange hub graphic user interfaces (GUI).

    Slovenia established a national registry of recipients of eInvoices (including contracting authorities), providing information such as recipients’ identification numbers, connection details and supported syntaxes and standards, among others. 

    Monitoring eInvoicing implementation 

    ) and ROSE 2, co-financed under the CEF.

    Monitoring mechanism

    The monitoring is ensured by the PPA eInvoicing system. 

    Use of Core Invoicing Usage Specifications (CIUS) at national level 

    The The national standard e-SLOG 2.0 includes some national extensions regarding EN . Slovenia is currently developing a CIUS and some national extensions to align it with existing VAT legislation and business practices.

    Additional information

    The Ministry of Finance has prepared a new draft regulation aimed at introducing a mandatory B2B eInvoicing [2]. The national eInvoicing strategy in the medium term is to make B2B eInvoicing mandatory

    that represent the national CIUS.

    Digital reporting requirements

    In Slovenia, eInvoicing is not currently used for Valuad Valued Added Tax (VAT) digital reporting.

    In March 2023, the Ministry of Finance

    published its

    published its proposal of the government’s

    position to

    position to adopt the Proposal for a Council Directive


     amending Directive 2006/112/EC. According to it, Slovenia supports the ViDA proposal and stipulates the creation of national solutions to simplify business for companies in the internal market and reduce the compliance costs for VAT



    [1] (Compliance updates – Slovenia, 2023), [2] (E-invoicing and digital reporting global updates, 2022)

    Additional information

    The Ministry of Finance has prepared a new draft regulation aimed at introducing a mandatory B2B eInvoicing. The national eInvoicing strategy in the medium term is to make B2B eInvoicing mandatory.

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    Are you aware of further developments on eInvoicing B2G in this country? Contact us via email
    You can also access the 2016, 2017, 20182019, 2020, 2021 and
    2023 eInvoicing Country Sheets via the eInvoicing User Community.


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