Versions Compared


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In process mode means that the portal and the runtime will run in the same process. This means that when you start the “Eu.EDelivery.AS4.ServiceHandler.ConsoleHost.exe” exethen also the portal will be available.
This configuration is managed in the “settings.xml” file with the following option:

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Setting the “FeInProcess” value to true means that the “in process” mode is enabled.


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  • Open IIS Modules View

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  • “Add Website” in IIS manager

  • Enter details for the new website, “Physical path” should point to the root of the extracted AS4 zip package.
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  • In the root of the AS4 folder create a file “web.config” with the following contents:
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified" />
            <aspNetCore processPath=".\Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Fe.exe" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />

    Note: If the API doesn’t start, then you can enable the logging output by setting the stdoutLogEnabled option to true. After that all logging will be available in the logs folder.

  • Next step is to allow the application pool user write access the following folders, this can be done by right clicking on the folders and going to “security” tab and giving the “IUSER_USRS”

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  • Folders to give write access:

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  • Verify that the Application Pool has access to the path to where the AS4.NET component is extracted.
    This can be done via the menu pane clicking on the Application Pools tree node

    Image Added

  • After selecting your Application Pool where the website is running, click on the right pane at Advanced Settings.
    Make sure that the
    Identity is set to a user that has write access to the folder where the AS4.NET component is extracted:

    Image Added

  • Verify that the installation is working by navigating to the configured URL, a setup dialog should appear:


In the AS4 package there are 2 configuration files available for the portal. “appsettings.json” & “appsettings.inprocess.json”. All settings in the “appsettings.inprocess.json” are used when running the portal “in process” and settings from “appsettings.json” are used when running in a dedicated process or with IIS.

Setting name



This defines the IP address & port on which the portal should be listening. For ex if you set this to, then the portal will be reachable using a browser at


This block is used to configure the internal .NET logging. Since these are settings not specific to the AS4 portal we refer to the Microsoft documentation for this


This section contains settings used for the portal.

    • ShowStackTraceInExceptions

If true, then a stack trace will be shown in the error dialog when something went something unexpected wrong. This is will contain the server exception!
For production, it’s best to set this option to false, to avoid leaking sensitive information.

    • SettingsXml

This option indicates where the settings.xml used by the runtime is located.
Default setting is ‘./config/settings.xml’. You can also specify a UNC path.

    • Runtime

The location where all the runtime files are located (DLL’s / exe).
Default is ‘.’.


Section for configure the authentication of the portal

    • Provider

The database provider used for authentication.
Default is ‘sqlite’, another possible option id ‘mssql’.

    • ConnectionString

The connection string to the authentication database.
Default is ‘FileName=users.sqlite’, when setting the provider to ‘mssql’ then a mssql connectionstring is expected here.
You can look at for examples of mssql connection strings.

    • JwtOptions.Issuer

A string indicating who issued the JWT token. This can be any string.
Default is “AS4.NET”.

    • JwtOptions.Audience

A string indicating for which services this JWT token is. This can also be any string.
Default is “http://localhost:5000”.

    • JwtOptions.ValidFor

The amount of days that the JWT token is valid.
Default is 1 day

    • JwtOptions.Key

The secret key used to sign the JWT token.
Default is “auf0i3VsjznH6K6imUl2”, but we strongly advice to change this key! This can be configured when the portal is started for the first time!


Section containing settings for the monitor module.

    • Provider

The database provider used to access the runtime database.
Default is “sqlite”, another option is “mssql”.

    • ConnectionString

The connection string for the runtime database.

Default is “FileName=users.sqlite”, when setting the provider to ‘mssql’ then a mssql connectionstring is expected here.
You can look at for examples of mssql connection strings.


All configuration settings to find PModes.

    • SendingPmodeFolder

The folder containing all the sending PModes. This can also be a UNC path.

Default is “./config/send-pmodes”.

    • ReceivingPmodeFolder

The folder containing all the receiving PModes. This can also be a UNC path.;

Default is “./config/receive-pmodes”.


This section contains all the settings used in the test message tool.

    • ToHttpAddress

The MSH endpoint to send messages to.

    • PayloadHttpAddress

The HTTP endpoint of a payload service to send payloads to.

- Verify that the Application Pool has access to the path to where the AS4.NET component is extracted.
- This can be done via the menu pane clicking on the **Application Pools** tree node
![application pools](images/application-pools.png)
- After selecting your Application Pool where the website is running, click on the right pane at **Advanced Settings**. Make sure that the **Identity** is set to a user that has write access to the folder where the AS4.NET component is extracted:
![advanced settings](images/advanced-settings.png)