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eInvoicing Pioneer Group


Motivated eInvoicing stakeholders that will meet remotely on a monthly basis in order to provide a range of Are you active in eInvoicing from the public or private sector side? Join this group to provide feedback to the EC on eInvoicing matters and to drive activities to support the launch of the European Standard on eInvoicing and compliance with Directive 2014/55/EU.




19 May 2017 

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What are the reasons to have an eInvoicing Pioneer Group?

The eInvoicing

Advisory Group for the eInvoicing Readiness Checker proved to be a successful experience of

Pioneer Group wants to enable a co-creation experience involving eInvoicing stakeholders and the European Commission to achieve

a service that responded to

stakeholders' needs


according to the EU actions and initiatives in the context of B2G eInvoicing.

This ad hoc group will be composed of motivated eInvoicing stakeholders from the public and the private sector that meet

Now that the eInvoicing Readiness Checker is live, it is considered useful to replicate the model whereby a motivated group of eInvoicing stakeholders meet

to provide a range


of feedback to the European Commission on eInvoicing matters and to drive activities to support the launch of the European Standard on eInvoicing as well as to support the compliance with Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement.

The purpose of the eInvoicing Pioneer Group will be to identify different national and sector specific stakeholders and networks (relevant national & sub-national authorities with responsibility for eInvoicing) to engage in different targeted activities such as

the following ongoing ones:
  • The promotion of the eInvoicing Readiness Checker throughout national eInvoicing networks;
  • The participation in the  

    the promotion of the benefits and usefulness of the CEF eInvoicing services and resources, such as:

     online survey building on the previous work that was done as part of the 2016 Study on the State
    •  built upon an online survey that aims to collect information on the state of play of
    B2G eInvoicing in public procurement.

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    What would be your activities as a member

    What could be the relevant activities

    of the eInvoicing Pioneer Group?

    The relevant activities of


    the eInvoicing Pioneer Group could broadly include the following:

    • To help the CEF

    • Stakeholder Management Office (SMO)

    to dentify
    • to identify different national and sector specific stakeholders and networks (relevant national & sub-national authorities with responsibility for eInvoicing)

    and sector specific stakeholders in order to engage those identified stakeholders in different targeted activities
    • ;

    • To provide support to the CEF eInvoicing work programme;

    • To support the organisation and provide input, where relevant, for the CEF eInvoicing implementation workshops;

    • To provide suggestions for communication and dissemination channels

    for To
    • To provide input for the CEF eInvoicing events, meetings and workshops;

    • To become "Ambassadors" for CEF eInvoicing;

    • To promote 'New Ways of Working' such as the use of CEF DIGITAL eInvoicing User Community.

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    will the eInvoicing Pioneer Group

    be organised


    CEF SMO will organise monthly (remote) meetings with the members of the eInvoicing Pioneer Group



    The discussions will be based on the agenda distributed before the meeting. The agenda of the launch

    meeting of the eInvoicing Pioneer Group will

    meeting to be held on the first week of June 2017 will be the following:

      • Introduction
      • Presentation of the objectives of the eInvoicing Pioneer Group
      • Overview of the CEF SMO eInvoicing Stakeholder engagement approach for 2017
    ; ;

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    Do you have any suggestion on how we could best work together? 

    Please share your ideas and comments below or send us an email to Your input is highly valuable. 

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    You want to become a member of the eInvoicing Pioneer Group? 

    Register here: