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Contact point

Anna Amgren, koordinator NEA

Date3rd October 2018

A Odenplan

Norrtullsgatan 6 
Room capacity7570
Target audience (and expected number of attendees)

About 45

NEA, the Network of Electronic Business is a non-profit, member-ruled organisation. NEA offers a neutral and independent meeting place for everyone who is operating in Electronic Business or has an interest in the subject.

Participants mostly service providers but also big buyer organization with own development of eInvoicing solutions


Mainly private sector with some public audience as well.

Content and topics to be covered 




#ModulesYour choice
1Introduction to eInvoicing
2The legal background
3The European norm and its contentX
4Infrastructure based on the eDelivery DSI architecture
5eInvoicing from a user perspective (including ordering and payments)(X)
6Examples of early adopters of large scale eInvoicing – lessons learnedX
7Basic XML using examples from the EN-syntaxes + mapping/conversion considerations
8XML Validation mechanismsX
9Understanding OASIS UBL 2.1
10Understanding UN/CEFACT CII D16B
11Funding and grants for e-InvoicingX
12Introduction to the eInvoice DSI resources and toolsX
13Introduction to CEF Digital and e-Invoice readiness checkerX


– Introduktion till den europeiska standarden och hur den kommer användas av offentlig sektor i Sverige
– EU-direktivet och Sveriges implementation
– Detaljerad genomgång av specifikationerna med fokus på nya PEPPOL-fakturan.
– Roadmap för införandet – viktiga datum och migreringsfrågor
– Efter lunchen har vi workshop i mindre grupper kring aktuella frågeställningar och går igenom dessa.


  • Introduction to the European standard and how it will be used in Sweden
  • The directive on electronic invoicing and the Swedish implementation in law
  • Roadmap on implememtation - dates and transition
  • Mini-workshops on the requested topics

Questions during the workshop



Actions to be taken

Who are you?Almost 100% service providers
Do you have a profile at CEF Digital?2 out of 45 has a profileDo you see other areas where trainings and webinars could be of interest?Do public authorities have electronic workflow support for managing invoices?

Which eInvoicing formats do you currently use?SWE-Faktura 380 / 381The European standard requires a high level of information quality. Can this prove to be a challenge in your coming implementation?Two formats - do you see this as an opportunity or challenge?Is CEF eDelivery/PEPPOL relevant to you?Dont you believe it is a problem with the cross-border scenario if each country has its own standard and does not follow the - lets say the PEPPOL CIUS - where at least someone is coordinating the development?Does this mean that you have to support the full standard to allow all suppliers across Europa to send their invoices?In Sweden, mostly Svefaktura and PEPPOL. Also EDIFACT.
Have you started implementing the standard?No - 100% Yes, a few. Majority no.
Have you bought your own copy of the standard yet?No - 100% no.
Have you applied for CEF funding before?No - 100% no.

Question from audience:

Is it normal common to apply for CEF funding?


It depends on the countries and especially the Nordic have been had few applications. But it would be good to have more Nordic applications from Swedish, Danish and Norwegian service providers.

Question from the audience:

Who maintains the standard in Sweden?


Swedish Standard For the European standard → Swedish Standards Institute together with CEN and the other Member States.

For the CIUS which will be used in Sweden → PEPPOL

For Swedish supporting material such as mapping instructions, stylesheets, user guidelines, test files → SFTI (Single Face To Industry) and PEPPOL

How many have experience in Svefaktura? (for comparison with the Semantic model)Almost 100% How many knows about the SWE-Faktura and content?1/4 of the audience
How many knows about the new EN for eInvoicing?have looked into detail in the semantic model (EN)?Almost nonNone
How many have looked at the PEPPOL BIS BILLING 3.0 and PEPPOL CIUS?1/3 of the audience
Deadline for implementing the new standard?The deadline in the directive is 18th April 2019, but in some countries there is different deadlines such Norway with 1st January 2019 and Sweden with 1st April 2019

COMMENT: As service providers we hope that Extensions to the standard is not going to be used, as this would stop interoperability between users and service providers.
If other countries impose earlier deadlines for the standard - would this mean that Swedish service providers should have the same standard if sending to Norway?No, Norway should still have PEPPOL BIS 2 and EHF until the overall deadline of 18th April 2019. So the period in between is still ok to send with old invoices.

COMMENT: Overall, we believe that the new standard will be much better as documentation and implementation guidelines is improved than previous standards.

Input from the Mini-workshops

  • The law and the new standard will give more uptake, bigger volumes and a bigger "e-invoice industry".
  • There will be a lot of integrations projects, particularly for those suppliers who can't use standard off-the-shelf solutions
  • Much focus on "technical" aspects (standards, formats) from the buyers. Better to let the service provider offer solutions and focus on benefits
  • Invoice issuing system often have bad data quality or rudimentary structured data  - this can be a challange when creating the e-invoice which requires high level of structure data
  • Extension will create problems and cause unnessary cost, if they become common
  • Important that service providers takes responsibility about interoperability and to explain to their customers that "customized implementations" and specific requirements (extensions, CIUS) comes with a cost related to interoperability and onboarding
  • XSLT for transformation from CII to UBL would be great to have and it would be implemented if it has good enough quality
  • Negative invoice is seen as a problem. In Sweden, CreditNotes have always been used for crediting.
  • The PEPPOL CIUS is a step forward, the documentation looks very good. An improvement to existing documentation for PEPPOL BIS and Svefaktura
  • It is often not the technical aspects that halts/limits e-Invoice adoption, it is lack of knowledge (on the buyer/seller side)
  • Implementation can be a problem for some ERP systems
  • Some thinks that very few extensions and CIUS will be used in Sweden (as PEPPOL is/will be mandates for public sector)
  • To much focus on eInvoice is taking away the focus on the whole procurment process (catalogue, order, delivery). This has traditionally been important in Sweden but lately, only invoice.
  • More trainings will be necessary
  • Invoice Response message is important and should be prioritized
  • Those who have invested in PDF-only solutions will have big issues next year with the new law
  • Validation rules should be multi-lingual

Pictures from the workshop 


Presentations from the workshop 

View file

Survey for the workshop