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The settings.xml located inside the .\config\ folder contains several global configuration settings used inside the component. Below you find a pseudo example of the settings shipped with the component . Each kind of setting is explained in the following paragraphs.itself. It contains onlyl a <SubmitAgent /> but other types of agents are also available (See the section below about Agents).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <Repository type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Repositories.CertificateRepository" />
        <SubmitAgent name="FILE Submit Agent">
            <Receiver type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Receivers.FileReceiver">
                <Setting key="FilePath">.\messages\out</Setting>
                <Setting key="FileMask">*.xml</Setting>
                <Setting key="PollingInterval">0:00:05</Setting>
            <Transformer type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Transformers.SubmitMessageXmlTransformer" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.RetrieveSendingPModeStep" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.DynamicDiscoveryStep"/>
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.CreateAS4MessageStep" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Submit.StoreAS4MessageStep" />

The different kind of settings are explained in the following paragraphs:

GUID Format

When creating AS4 Messages, Message Ids are being generated. To configure the format in which this must be done the <IdFormat/> tag is being used inside the settings.xml.


This setting defines whether or not the (optional) PayloadService should be started in-process with the AS4.NET MessageHandler.

The PayloadService is a REST service that can contain payloads that are referenced by submit-messages. More information regarding the PayloadService can be found in the Technical Analysis document.

FE In Process

This setting defines whether or not the AS4.NET FrontEnd should be started in-process with the AS4.NET MessageHandler. The AS4.NET FrontEnd web-application lets you configure the AS4.NET messagehandler and offers monitoring functionality.


The <Submit/> element contains settings regarding the configured Submit Agents:

  • PayloadRetrievalPath (default: file:///.\messages\attachments) defines the folder where the attachments of the Submit Message should be stored.

Pull Send

The <PullSend/> element contains settings regarding the configured Pull Send Agents:

  • AuthorizationMapPath (default: config\security\pull_authorizationmap.xml) defines the file from where the authorization entries to verify Pull Requests should be stored.

Retention Period (in days)

The settings contains a retention period number (in days) that can be used to manipulate when stored records must be deleted (hard delete) from the datastore.

So specifying <RetentionPeriod>10</RetentionPeriod> will make sure that records older than 10 days will be deleted from the datastore.

The default value for this period is: 90 days.

The <RetentionPeriod/> tag is available from version v3.0.0 and up.

Retry Reliability

The retry reliability specifies also some settings that manipulates the retry mechanism of the AS4.NET component. Retries happen when messages/exceptions gets Notified or Delivered.

Within the <RetryReliability/> tag you can specify the following settings:

  • Polling Interval: defines the interval in which the retry mechanism of the AS4.NET component should be triggered.

Example of a Retry Reliability configuration with a Polling Interval of 5 seconds: xml <RetryReliability> <PollingInterval>00:00:05</PollingInterval> </RetryReliability>

The <RetryReliability/> tag is available form version v3.1.0 and up.

Database Provider

The component can be configured to store messages and exceptions in another datastore. Inside the settings.xml the <Database/> tag is responsible for this. Underneath this tag you define the <Provider/>, which can be SQLite, SQLServer,… any type which is supported in Entity Framework Core; and the which defines the actual connection to the database.


  • Default Provider: Sqlite
  • Default Connection String: Filename=database\messages.db
  • Default Store Location: file:///.\database\
    • incoming/outgoing messages are stored in the sub-paths as4messages\in and as4messages\out
    • incoming/outgoing exceptions are stored in the sub-paths exceptions\in and exceptions\out

Example of a Database Provider for Sqlite: xml <Database> <Provider>Sqlite</Provider> <ConnectionString>Filename=database\messages.db</ConnectionString> <StoreLocation>file:///.\database\</StoreLocation> </Database>

Certificate Store

To support signing and encrypting messages, certificates are needed. The certificate store that’s needed to retrieve this certificates and be set in the <StoreName/> tag.


Member Name



The X.509 certificate store for other users.


The X.509 certificate store for third-party certificate authorities (CAs).


The X.509 certificate store for intermediate certificate authorities (CAs).


The X.509 certificate store for revoked certificates.


The X.509 certificate store for personal certificates.


The X.509 certificate store for trusted root certificate authorities (CAs).


The X.509 certificate store for directly trusted people and resources.


The X.509 certificate store for directly trusted publishers.

Example of a Certificate Store referencing the My certificate repository:

    <Repository type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Repositories.CertificateRepository" />


The AS4 protocol has several operations: Submit, Send, Receive, Deliver and Notify. All of these operations are configured in the settings.xml as Agents. Each agent has three items which defines the agent: Receiver, Transformer and Step(s).


Each tag (Receiver, Transformer and Step) has a type attribute which defines the type of which the instance must be created inside the component.

Example of a Receive Agent that receives AS4Message's on a configured HTTP endpoint, validates the incoming message, and saves it to the datastore:

Note that the assembly name of the different classes are truncated for better readability. For the full name, see the actual settings.xml file stored in the '.\config\ folder.

<ReceiveAgent name="Receive Agent">
    <Receiver type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Receivers.HttpReceiver">
        <Setting key="Url">http://localhost:8081/msh/receive/</Setting>
    <Transformer type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Transformers.ReceiveMessageTransformer" />
            <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.SaveReceivedMessageStep" />
            <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.DeterminePModesStep" />
            <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.ValidateAS4MessageStep" />
            <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.DecryptAS4MessageStep" />
            <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.VerifySignatureAS4MessageStep" />
            <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.DecompressAttachmentsStep" />
            <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.UpdateReceivedAS4MessageBodyStep" />
            <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.CreateAS4ReceiptStep" />
            <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Send.SignAS4MessageStep" />
            <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.SendAS4SignalMessageStep" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.CreateAS4ErrorStep" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Send.SignAS4MessageStepl" />
                    <Step type="Eu.EDelivery.AS4.Steps.Receive.SendAS4SignalMessageStep" />

Custom Settings

When creating custom implementations of types, settings can sometimes be useful. For example, an Email Sender by which you configure the SMTP Server in the settings.xml. This can be useful instead of hardcoded each configured value in the implementation itself.

Example of a collection of custom settings:

    <Setting key="APIKey">my-api-key</Setting>
    <Setting key="RefreshAPIKey">my-refresh-api-key</Setting>