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Use caseDescription

PROSPEH, poslovne storitve in digitalne rešitve, d.o.o.

OriginTrail is an ecosystem building a Verifiable Internet for AI, providing an inclusive framework that tackles the world's challenges in the AI era, such as hallucinations, bias, and model collapse, by ensuring the provenance and verifiability of data used by AI systems. Having been put to use for a spectrum of solutions, including deployments by Fortune 500 companies, it tackles misinformation by enabling discoverability, verifiability and ownership of Knowledge Assets with its Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG).

The OriginTrail DKG is an open, permissionless decentralized network of knowledge graph nodes integrated with multiple blockchains, such as Ethereum, Polygon, Gnosis Chain, and Polkadot. It is a core component of the verifiable internet infrastructure enabling AI solutions to leverage its discoverability, verifiability, and ownership capability. Its core resources are Knowledge Assets, organized in DKG Paranets together with knowledge services.

Using the Decentralized Retrieval-Augmented Generation (dRAG) framework, OriginTrail enhances AI models with verified information from decentralized sources, ensuring accurate and reliable AI-generated content. dRAG advances the RAG model by organizing external sources in a Decentralized Knowledge Graph while introducing incentives to grow a global, crowdsourced network of knowledge made available for AI models to use.

OriginTrail is used by global leaders like the British Standards Institution, Swiss Federal Railways, Supplier Compliance Audit Network (SCAN), representing over 40% of US imports and several consortia funded by the European Union among others. Advised by Turing award winner Dr. Bob Metcalfe, renowned for his law of network effects, the Trace Labs team (OriginTrail core developers) plays a crucial role in promoting a more inclusive, transparent, and decentralized AI.

Infineon Technologies AG

Infineon proposes a solution to the blockchain's 'oracle problem' in providing trustworthy data feeds from IoT edge devices, such as sensor nodes.

Problem background

  • While data on a blockchain is 'trustless', any data feed from the outside needs an "oracle service to facilitate the translation and verification of the data from the external storage" (ETSI publication on permissioned distributed ledger).
  • In an ideal world, edge data feeds should be as trustless as the blockchain itself; but for a single and thus centralized hardware (sensor) oracle this is barely achievable.
  • Depending on the specific use case and the required level of assurance, different threat models apply. Adapting security measures in hardware and software is essential to strike the right balance between cost and performance considerations, based on the specific use case and the required level of assurance.

High level approach

  1. Traditional IoT security concepts secure edge devices and their data against attacks by outsiders, e.g. Transport Layer Security (TLS) for data transmission from the edge to net/web/cloud.
  2. To ensure trustlessness, supplementary measures secure edge processing and data transmission from the edge against unauthorized changes by insiders with administrative rights. Additionally smart contract based security and integrity checks can be logged on a permissioned distributed ledger (PDL) and made verifiable to relying parties.
  3. Depending on the level of assurance required for the use case, relying parties may verify the authenticity of edge identities, inspect source code cryptographically linked to the actual deployed edge software and audit the smart contracts and policies for security checks and audit logging.
    Nota bene: relying party is any data consumer including 3rd party auditors and blockchain applications that execute their smart contract logic based on the trustworthy data feed.


Ultimately, relying parties can verify that edge device identities are authentic and that data has not been manipulated during either edge processing or transmission. In addition, relying parties may examine smart-contract based audit policies and source code deployed to edge devices. In result, applications based on new standards such as the digital twin (ISO) and the asset administration shell (IEC), as well as new EU regulations like eIDAS-2 and the digital product passport (ESPR), may consume a data feed that can be verified for its trustworthiness.


NYALA Digital Asset AG

 NYALA Digital Asset AG operates a Digital Asset Platform, which serves as an infrastructure layer for the issuance, registration, and custody of tokenized securities. With our regulated subsidiary, a crypto-securities registrar, we have repeatedly issued tokenized financial instruments over the past 18 months and have realized the first tokenized 
shares under the German e-Securities Act. Our solution is built on the public Polygon PoS chain and encompasses the minting and distribution of tokenized securities, as well as maintaining the registry of owners, to connect on-chain and off-chain information. 

As one driver to solve the funding gap in the EU, with a focus on SME financing and renewables projects, we are now shaping our digital asset ecosystems into one holistic 
secondary market under the DLT Pilot Regime. Our Digital Asset Platform will serve as a back-end engine, which connects investment platforms into a trading ecosystem, thus making sub-scale bonds and equities investable for more investors. 

Our vision for the secondary market is to integrate the entire securities value chain within a single unit and to facilitate seamless trading and settlement processes. For this we partner with an existing MTF to conduct trading off-chain and serve as the settlement infrastructure on-chain. To enable DVP and automated dividend payments, we are 
integrating an e-money token for the cash leg.

Circularise B.V.

With the increasing regulations (e.g. ecodesign directive, Digital Product Passports (DPP), Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence) the need for data sharing is evident. However, companies are hesitant to share data, given the threat of its sensitive data being exposed. Circularise appears as a solution to the traceability challenge faced by value chains from multiple industries. Our platform harnesses groundbreaking and patented encryption technology to secure data across the supply chain in a way that's safeguarded against even the most advanced cyber threats.

Circularise provides a tool to securely share sensitive information among value chains. Suppliers can create DPPs, and share key data with their customers, without endangering their Intellectual Property and competitive advantage. For example, do you share the full information or only whether it surpasses a certain threshold? Do you share the same data with your customer as with your auditor? These are challenges Circularise’s software solves through its Smart Questioning technology, based on blockchain and zero-knowledge proofs.

If an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) seeks to comply with a regulation, they will need data. For example, they need to ensure that there is no Bromide on their products. Using the Circularise system, an OEM can trigger a data request deep into the different tiers of its supply chain. The system connects data that exists decentrally across different supply chain steps and makes it available to the Brand owner. The patented technology ensures that the exact data input will not be visible to all other actors, but rather an answer to the question of whether the component contains or not bromide, or even if the percentage is lower/greater than or in between some values, enabling the OEM to check its compliance with regulations. Moreover, if the OEM needs information on a new chemical, they can send a data request through the Circularise’s system along the value chain, to know if they meet the requirements.

The information could be about sourcing, chemical composition, technical properties, environmental assessments, and others, that support compliance or even specific OEM supplier requirements. Additionally, the data shared within the Circularise is reliable through its verifiable DPPs. These provide a publicly verifiable trail ensuring consistency, authenticity and integrity for claims about subjects, identified by their relation to a reference subject while ensuring privacy beyond the veracity of the claims. Notably, it achieves this without depending on a single central authority or auditors for trust in the consistency of narratives, balance checks, evident changes, etc. All this is possible while maintaining the confidentiality of the sensitive information.


IOTA Stiftung

About IOTA

Since 2015, the IOTA project has developed open-source software, focusing on next-generation decentralized technology that promotes transparent, secure, and ethical practices in the digital space. 

Key Entities driving the project
IOTA Foundation in Germany (Research and Development), Tangle Ecosystem Association in Switzerland (Supporting the ecosystem in Europe and North America), IOTA Ecosystem DLT Foundation in UAE (Expanding reach in the Middle East and beyond)

IOTA Network (Tangle)

  • The IOTA network, known as the "Tangle," is a feeless, scalable distributed ledger designed for the Internet of Everything and Web3 applications.
  • Unlike traditional blockchains, the Tangle uses a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure for parallel transactions.
  • Offers fast transactions with finality within seconds and supports ~1,000 feeless transactions per second.
  • No miners or classic transaction fees, ensuring an unbiased, transparent, and efficient system.

IOTA Token

  • On October 4, 2023, the IOTA network's token supply was updated to 2.7B IOTA tokens.
  • Gradual increase over four years to reach a total fixed supply of 4.6B IOTA tokens.
  • The IOTA protocol will not issue additional tokens, ensuring a total supply of 4.6B tokens.
  • IOTA is listed on most major currency exchanges, including Binance, OKX, KuCoin, Bitfinex, Upbit, Bitpanda, and Viviswap.

IOTA Product Suite
IOTA offers a suite of products tailored that  empower individuals and businesses to leverage the advantages of Web3 technology

  • IOTA Identity: Provides secure and verifiable online signatures
  • IOTA Smart Contracts: Enables SC development on IOTA
  • IOTA Chains: Allows anyone to anchor WASM or EVM-based Layer 2 smart contract networks to the IOTA Layer 1.
  • IOTA Digital Assets: Offers secure tokenization with equal security and scalability as IOTA, allowing custom tokens and feeless transfers between IOTA Chains via the Tangle.
  • Firefly Wallet: The official IOTA wallet complies with industry standards and prioritizes security.

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EastNets Europe S.A.

SafeWatch Screening ChainFeed - An Eastnets SafeWatch Screening Module 

Updating the watchlists that underlie compliance screening systems is of paramount importance to your counter-terrorism and anti-money laundering strategy. Yet conventional watchlist-update methods involve manual, time-consuming steps, tying up resources and leaving banks vulnerable to delays, errors, and fraud. SafeWatch Screening ChainFeed from Eastnets uses distributed-ledger blockchain technology to eliminate these risks and complete watchlist updates automatically and in real time. 

SafeWatch Screening ChainFeed Closes the Gaps in Your Sanction Screening Strategy

  • Blockchain-Based, Real-Time Updates: Avoid delay risks with instant sanction list updates and Real Time List Loading (RTLL). As soon as a country, 
    individual, or entity is added or deleted from a watchlist, updates securely flow to your system. Your screening solution is always current, ensuring the 
    highest level of protection for your institution.
  • Operational Integrity: The distributed-ledger technology works without interruption to your operations, so you can keep your watchlist updated without any downtime for your bank.
  • Accuracy and Consistency: At any point, all your subsidiaries and entities will have the same exact version of the watchlist. You can be confident that 
    your watchlists are correct and mistake-free.
  • Enhanced Security: Permissions and cryptography prevent unauthorized access to the system while the elimination of manual updates prevents intentional fraud.
  • Timestamps: All updates on the blockchain are time-stamped. Easily refer back to any historical watchlist version for compliance and audit purposes.

Eastnets Approach to Real-Time Sanction List Updates 
Always know who you can and can’t do business with. SafeWatch Screening ChainFeed works with the comprehensive Eastnets SafeWatch Screening solution to instantly update your watchlists and ensure your protection and compliance around the clock. 

  • Automate: Watchlist updates happen automatically, in real time, eliminating the need for manual changes and reducing your risk of errors or fraud. 
  • Validate: Verify the integrity of watchlist content against ChainFeed content to ensure completeness of the watchlists used for screening.
  • Audit: The ledger is immutable, allowing any update on the blockchain to 
    be traced to its origin.

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Stichting 2Tokens

Hosted Wallets Services for non-crypto-asset / non financial related tokens

The use case involving the 2Tokens consortium, along with Amdax, Celebratix, Custodiex, Metaseum, TDE (OnYourMarks), and CMS, pertains to the unclear regulatory status of hosted wallet services for tokens that are neither financial products nor crypto-assets as defined under MiCAR.

Tokenization, commonly associated with crypto-assets, also has numerous applications beyond financial products and services. Companies like Celebratix, Metaseum, and TDE utilize this technology to provide non-financial and non-crypto-asset tokens, such as concert and museum tickets, proof of attendance tokens, and fan engagement points, in their services. Typically, their clients are unaware that Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) powers these offerings. By incorporating wallets into their applications, often through hosted wallets, these companies effectively provide hosted wallet services for tokens unrelated to financial or crypto-assets.

Although the primary service of these parties is related to non-financial or non-crypto-asset tokens, the integrated wallets can technically receive, hold and transfer crypto-assets. Also in the transfer of the tokens they are offering it is very well possible that they need to have cryptocurrency in thosehosted wallets to pay transaction fees. In this way, Celebratix, Metaseum and TDE, could be seen as CASPS while their tokens are not crypto-assets nor financial product related.

This situation could lead to significant regulatory and operational costs, potentially making it unfeasible for these companies and others in the industry to compete with non-blockchain/DLT competitors. Such a scenario poses a substantial threat to all use cases involving non-crypto-asset and non-financial product tokens.

The consortium partners Amdax and Custodiex offer regulated hosted wallet / custodial services. Through this use case, they jointly want to explore if white label hosted wallet services can be offered, e.g. in a light regime, or exemptions for non-crypto-asset tokens are possible so these companies can offer their services level playing field. If not, although products are alike, based on technology, non-crypto-asset companies using tokens are under regulatory oversight but their competitors who use other technologies are not.