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CSS Stylesheet
/*---OOH ACCELERATOR DETAIL PAGE - 13-05-2024---*/

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/*---BOX PLAYBOOK---*/
#box-cta-playbook { position:relative;}

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<div class="cols">
<div class="col-9">

<h2 class="h3">How to register in the OOTS Projectathons</h2>

<p>The Organising Team invites the National Coordinators to register for the Projectathon event via an event registration form (using EU Survey)</p>
<p>National Coordinators register for the Projectathon event via EU Survey. They share the link to the event registration form with each person joining the Projectathon from their Member State (including the Competent Authorities). It is mandatory for every participant from a Member State to fill in the event registration form for the May 2024 Projectathon (it is a pre-condition for getting access to the Gazelle platform). Please register on time, this is also needed for the catering.</p>
<p>Once the event registration process is completed (see step 2), the Supporting Team invites National Coordinators to encode their organisation and users (team members) in the Gazelle platform (active participants only). Note that all participants will have to register again in 2024 (2023 data has been anonymised and removed from Gazelle). In case you need test related data for archiving or auditing purposes, don’t forget to archive your data in Gazelle at the end of the year since data will be again anonymised and will be deleted one month after the end of the year (around end of January 2025) </p>
<p>National Coordinators select the relevant test session (May 2024) and add your System(s) Under Test (SUT) in the Gazelle platform (active participants only). Note that since data of 2023 has been anonymized in Gazelle and because there is a new modelisation for 2024, you will have to recreate your SUT.</p>

<!--<p class="p-btn-cta"><a class="btn primary" href=""><span>Register for the Projectathon #4</span></a></p>-->

<p style="margin-bottom:0;"><img aria-hidden="true" alt="" src=""></p>

<div class="cols">
<div class="col-7">

<h2 class="h3">Participate as an observer</h2>
<p>Explore the Projectathon Playbook to discover how to prepare for the upcoming Projectathon event by participating as an observer, and learn the process for registering as an observer.</p>
 recreate your SUT.</p>

<!--<p class="p-btn-cta"><a class="btn ghostprimary" href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent','conversion','oots-projectathon-detail-page-04','oots-projectathon-playbook'])"><span>Downloadeusurvey/runner/OOTS-Projectathon-04"><span>Register for the Projectathon Playbook</span><span class="ico-download"></#4</span></a></p>-->


<div class="cols justify-content-center">

<div class="col-8">
<div class="box-playbook">
<div class="box-playbook-cols">

<div class="box-playbook-illu">
<img aria-hidden="true" alt="" src=" playbook.png">  

<div class="box-playbook-content">
<h4><span class="subtitle">Projectathon Playbook</span>Want to learn more?</h4>
<p class="p-opacity">Explore the Projectathon Playbook for a detailed overview of the Projectathon events organisation, teams and how to participate.</p>
<p><a class="btn primary-bis" href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent','conversion','oots-projectathon-detail-page-04','oots-projectathon-playbook'])"><span>Download the Projectathon Playbook</span><span class="ico-download"></span></a></p>

<a class="secondary-download " href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent','conversion','oots-projectathon-detail-page-04','oots-projectathon-playbook-appendix-gazelle'])"><span>Download Appendix: Gazelle SUT capabilities and associated concepts</span></a>
<a class="secondary-download" href="" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent','conversion','oots-projectathon-detail-page-04','oots-projectathon-playbook-annex2-gazelle'])"><span>Annex 2: how to do pre-tests in Gazelle</span></a>



<div class="cols">

<div class="col-12">
<p class="text-right"><a class="btn primary" href=""><span>Register fo this event</span></a></p>
