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CSS Stylesheet
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/*---OOH FORUM EVENT DETAIL PAGE - 06-10-2023---*/

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<p><a class="link-cta primary before" href=""><span>Back to Once-Only Forum events</span></a></p>

<div class="introduction-box">

<div class="introduction-box-cover">

<div class="introduction-box-content">
<p class="h5">23 November 2023 | Brussels, Belgium</p>
<h1 class="h2"><span class="heading-subtitle">Once-Only Forum</span>for Citizens and Students</h1>
<p>Onsite focus group for a selected group of citizens who have first-hand experience in administrative procedures related to either moving and/or studying abroad.</p> 
<p>Application: <strong>Open</strong></p>
<p class="text-right"><a class="btn primary" href=""><span>Apply</span></a></p>

<div class="col-8">


<h2 class="h3">Practical information</h2>

<ul class="information-list">

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Location</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>Brussels, Belgium</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Date</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>23 November 2023, full-day session</p></div>

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Target groups</p></div>
<div class="information-col">
<strong>Age:</strong> 18+<br>
<strong>Country of residency:</strong> All EU Member States<br>
<strong>Characteristics:</strong> EU citizens who have previous experience with online cross-border administrative procedures in the following areas:<br>
- Initial application for admission to public tertiary education institution, or <br>
- Applying for a tertiary education study financing, or <br>
- Registering a motor vehicle.  

<div class="information-cols">
<div class="information-col"><p>Per diem</p></div>
<div class="information-col"><p>Per diem (an allowance to cover living expenses) of EUR 90 per Forum event will be provided. The per diems are paid after participating in the Forum based on an attendance list.</p>




<h2 class="h3">Description</h2>

<p>The Once-Only Forum for Citizens and Students is an onsite focus group for a selected group of citizens who have first-hand experience in administrative procedures related to either moving and/or studying abroad. Participants will explore different cross-border procedures, provide feedback, and help refine the upcoming Once-Only Forums for Citizens.</p> 
<p>Participants will explore how the Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) can make cross-border administration as easy as possible while studying abroad, seeking grants and/or registering a motor vehicle in another Member State.</p>  
<p>During this event, you will have the unique opportunity to personally test the Once-Only Technical System and share your valuable insights and recommendations to enhance its user-friendliness.</p> 
<p>Based on your application, the Commission will check if you have relevant experience in the selected administrative procedures and will contact you about next steps.</p>


<!-- START APPLY -->

<h2 class="h3">Interested in participating? Apply here:</h2>
<p>Are you interested in participating in this Once-Only Citizens’ Forum? Apply here!</p>

<p><a class="btn primary" href=""><span>Apply</span></a></p>

<p style="margin-top:2.5rem;"><a class="link-download primary" href="#"><span>Download the privacy statement (note: no link)</span></a></p>  

<!-- END APPLY -->  

classsection agenda-box
<h2 class="h3">Forum  agenda</h2>
<p>During this event you will, amongst other things, discuss your experiences with the administrative procedures when moving and/or studying abroad.</p>
<p class="illu-forum-agenda"><img alt="" aria-hidden="true" src=""></p>
<p><span class="badge warning">Coming soon</span></p> 
titleSee full agenda
<ul class="agenda-hour">
<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">08:00 - 09:00</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Welcome coffee & registration

<div class="agenda-hour-cols">
<div class="agenda-hour-col">09:00 - 09:45</div>
<div class="agenda-hour-col">Introduction to the Once-Only Technical System Projectathon (day 1)

<div class="cols">
<div class="col-8">

<h2>Upcoming Forums</h2>

<div class="card-upcoming-cols">

<!--CARD 01-->
<!--<div class="card-upcoming-col">
<div class="card-upcoming">
<div class="card-upcoming-body"> 
<a href="#" style="pointer-events: none;"></a> 
<h3>Once-Only Forum for Citizens and Students</h3> 
<p>Onsite focus group in Brussels for max. 15 citizens, that have experience in administrative procedures related to either moving and/or studying abroad. Participants will explore different cross-border procedures, provide feedback, and help refine the upcoming Once-Only Forums for Citizens.</p>  
<p class="card-upcoming-date">23 November 2023, Brussels</p> 
<div class="card-upcoming-footer">
<a class="btn primary" href=""><span>Apply</span><span class="ico-cta-forward"></span></a>

<!--CARD 02-->
<div class="card-upcoming-col">
<div class="card-upcoming">
<div class="card-upcoming-body"> 
<a href="#" style="pointer-events: none;"></a> 
<h3>Once-Only Forum for Students and Recent Graduates</h3>
<p>Online event for 50 students and recent graduates to share experiences related to administrative procedures when studying abroad, and to learn how the Once-Only Technical System can improve your experience.</p>
<div class="card-upcoming-footer">  
<p><span class="badge warning">Coming soon</span></p> 

<!--CARD 03-->
<div class="card-upcoming-col">
<div class="card-upcoming">
<div class="card-upcoming-body">
<a href="#" style="pointer-events: none;"></a>
<h3>Once-Only Forum for Expats</h3>  
<p>Online event for 50 citizens to share experiences related to administrative procedures when registering a motor vehicle abroad, and to learn how the Once-Only Technical System can improve your experience.</p>
<div class="card-upcoming-footer">    
<p><span class="badge warning">Coming soon</span></p> 

<div class="cols justify-content-center">

<div class="col-8">
<div class="playbook-box">
<div class="playbook-box-cols">

<div class="playbook-box-col-illu">
<img aria-hidden="true" alt="" src="">  

<div class="playbook-box-col-content">
<h3 class="h5">Once-Only Forum for Citizens Playbook</h3>
<p class="p-opacity">The Once-Only Forum Playbook provides a complete overview of the Forums, including background information on the Once-Only Technical System, what to expect during the Forums, and other important logistics information.</p> 
<p><span class="badge warning">Coming soon</span></p>
<!--<p><a class="btn primary-bis" href="#" onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent','conversion','oots-once-only-forum-for-citizens','oots-once-only-forum-for-citizens-playbook'])"><span>Download the Once-Only<br> Forum Playbook for Citizens (note: no link)</span><span class="ico-download"></span></a></p>-->


